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Arena of Death Battles

Brother Tyler

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Maybe you shouldn't be... :devil: :lol:



Meh, even if I lose I've got further than I anticipated, and a worthy opponent will go forth to the next round.


So long as we beat those loyalist dogs, I'm not fussed :D

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The Warsmith looked upon the sorcerer with something akin to disdain. Like most members of his Legion, he had avoided giving himself too deeply over to Chaos, for he had seen how the fickle Gods had warped and transformed some of their servants into mindless gibbering creatures. Such would never be his fate. Sorcerers, though, wielded the power of the Warp adeptly, immersing themselves in its changing influences in order to secure more power for themselves. Though his Primarch, Perturabo, had submitted himself to the Dark Gods, Ferrous Ironclaw vowed that he would never give himself over in the same fashion.


"Do we have an agreement?" asked the Warsmith.


The bronze-armoured sorcerer simply stared at him, the wizard's helm concealing his features and preventing Ironclaw from gauging what might be going on in his mind. The Iron Warrior had not expected an immediate response, though, for Agemo of the Dark Chronos was known to be a taciturn servant of the Gods. The Warsmith studied his erstwhile ally intently, attempting to detect any signal that might betray what the sorcerer was thinking. Agemo, however, stood motionless.


After a long moment, the bronze helm moved almost imperceptibly from side to side, signalling his refusal.


The Warsmith fought down his rage. An alliance between the two was mutually beneficial. The silent sorcerer had ever been aloof, shunning external aid as he advanced his own schemes in secret, though. Suddenly it occurred to the Warsmith that there would be only one way to secure the services of the sorcerer. He slowly lifted his helmet from his side, placing it over his head and fastening it into place. He then activated his vox caster and said menacingly, "If you will not assent to an alliance, then you will be forced to serve."


Before the Iron Warrior could strike, though, Agemo shifted into a battle stance and snapped off a shot with his bolter. The sorcerer had moved with preternatural speed, as if he had anticipated the moment. It was all Ferrous Ironclaw could do to bring his servo-arm around, intercepting the explosive bolt with the mechanical limb. The two traitor Astartes burst forward, closing the distance and firing as they shifted from side to side, evading each others' shots.


At last they reached each other, the Warsmith attacking with his chainclaw and servo arm while the sorcerer, speed augmented by the power of the Warp, struck with his eldritch staff. They exchanged a flurry of blows, deftly attacking, blocking, and parrying. Each was able to use the protective properties of their armour in conjunction with long-mastered shifts in weight and body position to defend against attacks - Ferrous Ironclaw allowed a murderous thrust of the staff to bypass his servo arm as he twisted slightly, the spiked head of the staff glancing off his pauldron. Meanwhile, his servo arm slashed down, the sorcerer ducking and twisting to avoid the blow as he withdraw his force staff in preparation for another attack.


So the battle went for several moments with neither landing an effective blow. The Warsmith struggled to maintain the status quo, for Agemo had augmented his already superhuman speed with Warp-born quickness that kept the Warsmith largely on the defensive.


Suddenly the sorcerer lashed out, swinging the force staff in a wide arc that the Warsmith couldn't move in time to avoid. Instead, the Iron Warrior desperately brought the servo arm down into the path of the staff while reaching forth with his claw.


In a moment it was all over. The gambit with the servo arm had knocked the staff from the sorcerer's grasp, sundering the weapon as it crashed to the ground. The claw of the Iron Warrior grasped the helmet of the silent sorcerer, threatening the crush the armour and the skull within.


"In exchange for your life, I will allow you to serve with me aboard my flagship," hissed the Warsmith.



Victory to Ferrous Ironclaw



And we have our champion.

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Arg! I lost! ...I mean, this was all part of my plan...you passed the test Warsmith.....yeah...


Seems like I put up a good fight though, and I'm not dead.


With me by your side, you just might win this thing.


You did sunder my staff though, I'm pretty upset about that.


Nice battle report Brother Tyler and good luck Shas'o'Rvre.

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