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Ghostly Legion of the Damned


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Hey, i was looking at Somar's ghostly sanguinor topic and someone mentioned doing the legion of the damned like that and i thought, hey what a good idea! Ive had a unit of 10 of these guys sitting around since they came out so i figured i would give it a try. My army is all Black with white and red accents so the normal lotd color scheme would get kind of lost in the rest of my army, i figured this would make them stand out. All i did was spray them white, wash them with thraka green then drybrush them white again. After that i went in and carefully blended back up to pure white on the edges using very thinned down paints and used a blue/green wash in the recesses, painting it on carefully as a shade. Then i figured flames feature prominently on these guys, and red compliments green, so i painted any areas where there were cracks in the armor (rib cage, eyes, vents on backpack, anywhere where u can see inside the marine) as if it were glowing with a hellfire light. Im pretty happy with it. On future models i may paint some of the flames as if they are glowing as well.








And here are two guys in progress so you can get an idea of how its done, all theyve has is the green wash.




Any comments or crit is welcome, thank you!

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While I like the idea, I think you should take it a step further with the fire showing through, I would have also done the ribcage on the shoulderpad, the bones on the feet, the holes in the backpack, the eyes of the skulls, and anywhere with a flamedesign like his other shoulderpad, his helmet and the backpack, also if you show the fire on the gun, you should really drill out the barrel and give it the same treatment.
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thanks everyone. I plan on drilling out the barrel, i have done that on the other guys, i was just lazy with this one cause he was the test model. I agree on some of the flame stuf and i plan on painting the flames on more of the guys but i also didnt want to overdue it. I could see the feet, but the shoulder pad i just see as ornamentation. Its not actually his bone like his chest is so i dont feel like you would be able to see into him. I already went ahead and gave him another glaze, its looks better.
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Ohhhhh, pretty :) Pretty clever mix of old and new methods. I particularly like the extra use of white: normally this sort of thing comes out too mossy, like the Statue of Liberty :lol: Good call on limiting the use of fiery effects too. Those models are absolutely dripping with detail, too much would probably ruin the whole effect. Though I'm curious how it may look to do the whole model as a glowey orange, with no greenish blue at all? Might look too simplistic then, though.


Bravo on doing something worth stealing :P .

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I think the end result turned out looking great for a simple process of coloring. I have a box of these myself and don't have any army for them to compete against color-wise, so probably would've been painting them the traditional colors. You've got me thinking about taking everything up to white, though, and just have the "official" colors more as glazes into the shadows so they look "ghostly" overall. (I'm not a fan of drybrushing, you see - it's fine if other people do it, but I prefer straight painting or at most overbrushing, just because I like a smoother finish.)


Anyhow, definitely an idea worth copying. Bravo! Ditto on the posting of the full squad when done- they'd be very nice to see!

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Thanks everyone! i was genuinely surprised when i logged on and saw how many more replies my topic had received, didn't check for a few days and the last time i saw it it was near the bottom of the page. I had put aside the rest of these guys to work on demons but now this has motivated me to work on them more, i will try and get another 2 done in a day or so and post pics up along with the slightly tweaked first marine. Thanks everyone again.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey so sorry it took a little longer then i said, but heres a new member of the squad.







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