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Night Lords Raptor Aspiring champ

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This is my first ever attempt at nightlords. My painting has been rusty as i have not completed a model in a few months (painters block anyone). I tried to go for that midnight blue shade as opposed to GW bright colour. The lightening was my first attempt using brother Nihm's guide, while some of the bolts worked others dont look just right but that will get better with practice. I have another 4 models converted with wings and will get them up sharpish.


So C&C please




Since taking photo i have darkened horns and painted base!

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Very nice, the paint-job, the pose, everything.


As for improvements,

-There's mould lines on the inside of his horns. Snip snip.

-Metals look good but could do with some thinned washes in the cracks etc. to give more definition.

-The paint looks slightly too thick in some places (e.g. the helmet, the legs and the chest), thinning your paints and/or wiping excess paint from the bristles will prevent that.

-It looks like you made the white streaks in the lightning bolts too 'wide', the previous colour (blue) needs to be showing. I prefer making the lightning bolts on my models very small to avoid that. Wide/bright flashes of lightning can work but I prefer to play it safe. I also use a size 0 brush for the white.


Here's an example of big bolts: link

And here's some shots with the regular ones: link (I call him scared John) & link



I hope that helps.

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