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In small suicide squads with 2x melta and nothing else.

Alternately supporting plague marines in a nurgle theme list(T6, but still T4 for instant death!)?


Best idea? Grab the vanilla loyalist codex and count your daemon weapon biker lord as a relic blade biker captain and take your bikes as troops. It's sad but that's really the only viable way to get great mileage out of bikers. Would also give you an excuse to chaosify some attack bikes(illegal in the chaos 'dex) and land speeders(also not in the chaos 'dex).

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I think i want some bikers or mabye a fast biker based army,

Trust me, You don't. And if you do, Loyalist is the way to go.


whats the best way to use chaos bikers?

There really isn't one. They are VERY overpriced and can't hold a candle to any other unit in the Chaos 'dex, let alone other 'dexes (" 'deces " if you are going to be picky).


It's a sad day when the original "Hells Angels" 'dex can't field an effective bike unit...

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I think i want some bikers or mabye a fast biker based army, whats the best way to use chaos bikers?
By putting them in the garage on the Dark Adeptus Mechanicus Forgeworlds and riding in Rhinos instead!


Seriously though, if you're going to use Chaos Bikers, put icons (IoCG -> cheapest) in all of the bike squads and field lots of Lesser Daemons + 2x Winged Princes for support. Anything else will not give you even basic unit synergy (because Raptors are even worse than bikers). Add 3x3 Termicide if points permit (which they probably won't)

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