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2 for the road


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Got 2 games of 40K in yesterday.


Game 1 was a test of sorts. my blood angel opponant was trying out a new double storm raven list and i decided to give the FW cestus(proxied by a land raider helios) a test run..


The game-

kill points/table quarters

2,250 points


The blood angels:



X4 assault squads in las/plas razorbacks

X2 storm ravens(laz/typhoon launcher/hurricane bolters)

X2 assault cannon Baal preds

X2 priests


Panzer brigade

Master of the forge

X1 tac squad(missile, flamer,fist)

X1 scout squad (bolters, shot guns/missile/fist)

X3 venerable hellfire pattern dreads

X3 ironclads with full kit

.land speeder typhoon

.land speeder storm

.cestus assault ram.



he made me go first so i started with jst my venerables and tech priest on the table. steppng out to tak e pot shots at his vehicles. i got a lucky hit on mephistons ride(storm raven) andblew it up, forcing him to "walk".


The rest fo my shooting was lasking as he made mos tof his cover saves or i failed to pen with a good result.


He moved up everything, smoked some vehicles and took a few potshots at my dreads, but failed to do anything.


Turn 2 i popped a razorback and pinned the squad inside. my ironclads came in and blew a second razorback, my storm arrived so my scouts started dismantling the other storm raven from behind after immobilising it. it took them another 2 turns but they tok it apart piece by piece fefor they finally killed it. the cestus came in, fired it's one shot missile barrage(scattered horribly, nothing bellow a 10 on all 4 scatters)


His turn 2 saw one Baal shot up, shooting one of my dreads in the back destroying it's las. the 2 squads to my right disembarked and tried to melta the 2 ironclads, annoying one of them greatly.

mephy moved up as did the other 2 squads in razorbacks. he assaulted my ironclads. i lost one to a melta bomb after 2 turns , allowing tycho and the sarge he was with to get away. i destroyed the other squad but they had immobilised the dread so there it stayed for the rest of the game.


his razorbacks put a couple las shots into the cestus and i failed both saves his second shot destroyed it.



Turn 3 i rapid fired with the tacs that disembarked the cestus, put 2 wounds on mephy only to have him FNP one back, stunned his 2 razorbacks and the MOTF destroyed the Baal.


His turn 3 saw him shoot and then let mephy evicerate the tac marines

bring in his second Baal who shot and wounded my MOTF



Turn 4 was my last really effective turn, thats where i finished the other storm raven, the MOTF slagged the other Baal. and i locked up hius assult squad with a venerable dread.


turn 5 & 6 saw all my dreads get immobilised and then watch mephy walk through several units, my land speeder, MOTF, and a venerable dread.


The game ended on 6 and we added up the KPs....and i won by 1. killing 8 of his units to 7 of mine. a suprise victory considering how the game was going-










Next up-ravenguard



Game 2

Standard lists



I had the pleasure f fighting ravenguard this time around.


His list included


.jump chaplain

X2 jump squads

X2 tac squads

X1 dev squad with 4 las

X1 assault cannon/DCCW dread

X1 tech marine.


My list was

Master of the forge

.Epistolary libby with gate and avenger powers(terminator armor/storm shield/force weapon)


X1 tac squad(missile, flamer,fist)

X1 scout squad (bolters, shot guns/missile/fist)

X3 venerable hellfire pattern dreads

X3 ironclads with full kit

.land speeder typhoon

.land speeder storm



This time arond it was sieze ground and standard 12" deployment.


He went frist this time. spreading his army across the table. i went for a heavy left flank as a fient and put the combat squaded tacs and libby with dread support right.


As expected he was coming to me so i held everything else in reserve.

Turn 1 he took several shots at my dreads but they were hiding in fortified ruins so i managed to shrug off akll he could throw. his assault squads moved up, making a line straight fro my half squd holding my objective.


My turn 1 i shot at his dread but did nothing and put some fire into his assault squad killing just a few. my libby gated his unit into the trees on my right flank right in front of his tacs. i killed a good half the squad but he stood his ground


As you would expect the squad led by shrike easily ate my 5 marines in CC on turn 2 . his tac squad to the right opened up on the libbies unit and did one single wound to the libby himself. he took more shots at my dreads and that was about it, as his other assault squad went after the nearby venerable dread. locking it in CC.


Turn 2 for me.

2 ironclads come in and lock up both his assault units, my typhoon came in and supproted the dread on my right flank with long ranged fire. i took several shots at his advancing dread but he made all his cover saves. my libbies unit shot up, then assaulted and destoyed his remaining tac squad members. a high consolidation saw my move up to his second tac squad.



Turn 3 he took advantage of my MOTF exposing himself to down him with las fire. i slowly chewed through one assault squad, the other with shrike lost combat and fell back (but not far enough). he tried again with a full squad to gun down my libbies unit, and failed.


My turn 3 saw my last ironclad come in and jumpd into combat with the assault squad on my objective. (thats 2 ironclads on one unit),


my libbies unit went after the tac squad. i rolled double 6s on my test so no flamer of AP 3 death this turn, but i made both my perils checks. i still killed a couple and then assaulted them. winning combat and forcing them to fall back off the table, my one ironclad went after shrikes unit again, while i ran a huge risk with the venerable. after a bunch of shooting failed to do anything other than scratch the paint on his dread i decided to asssault it asuming i would die. he pained to penetrate my armor ;):


Turn 4 for him was mostly assaults, he took shots at one of my dreads and blew off it's las, shrikes unit lost combat again and fell back. my venerable dread fighting his dread got a lucky glance and riipped off the DCCW, his return swings failed to do anything but stunn me....now we were even.


I finally finsihed off the squad on my objective freeing my other 2 ironclads. i went after shrikle again and locked up his squad. only he survived thanks to his iron halo. i smoked his techmarine with a las shot, my other iron clads advanced, one jumping in to help kill his dread


Turn 5

he fired on my libby with his dev squad. i went to ground and only lost 1 marine. his legion of the dammed unit fianlly arrived and opened up on one of my ironclads but did nothing to it. success in CC saw shrike die, and his dread die.


On my turn my scouts came in far away so they boosted onto the tables far end, my libbies unit was in the ruins with his objective gone to ground. i sent an ironclad in to deal with his legion of the damned and i was about to assault his dev squad with another ironclad, thats when he called it. with only his devs and his legion units left on the table both in or about to be in assault with 4 different dreads there was nothing he could do to come back from that.


I did amazingly well in this game and i was happy my libby got to do what he was designed for. The biggest problem for him was trying to save points by not equiping any of his units with power fists, instead relying on melta bombs to do the trick for him. it made battling my dreads almost untenable, especially the ironclad which his Krak grenades could not touch and even shrikes rending had trouble with.








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