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Ultramarines 2nd Company Chaplain


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Hey all!


This is my first ever custom/kitbashed conversion. I had never used GS to this extent before. I wanted to create a chaplain for my Second Company Ultramarines and I was inspired by the large two-page spread in Codex: Space Marines where the entire Second Company is rank & filed. I decided to base my custom chaplain off of the one seen in that picture. I hope you all like it and please give me as much comments and criticism as possible.












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Well it looks pretty good... I guess. It's really hard to tell considering how bleached out the photo's are. It looks like you cranked up the gamma a whole ton. It looks pretty good. Your lines look nice and all. It looks like you could use a bit more shading on the bone.
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@Dark Armada - The legs are half from this Chaos icon bearer (here) and half from a regular plastic Space Marine that I GS'd together. I then added teh studs with PVA glue and GS'd the tabard.


@tiny sam - Thank you! Your comment made my day! I will work on better pics tonight!

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Thanks for the encouragement. I lightened these photos in PS, as the originals were so dar you could not make out anything. Any suggestions for lighting, bot physical and digital?

Try a DIY light box, or even just buy one, it'll make all the difference for your lighting.

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