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Word Bearer Colours

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Hi to anyone who is reading this,


quick question really, I'm tempted to buy some of the new Armour from Forgeworld, Mk IV or V, and paint them up as Word Bearers as they looked at the BEGINNING of the Heresy.


Now I'm just reading 'Galaxy In Flames' and somewhere towards the beginning of the book it says that the Word Bearers had their red and silver armour when the heresy was being planned etc, right before Istvann III and I just wanted to know if this was right?


I know they originally had the dark green but when exactly did they switch to the now used Red and Silver trim?


Thanks for any help :)


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I know they originally had the dark green but when exactly did they switch to the now used Red and Silver trim?


Not sure where you're getting Dark Green from - Pre-Heresy Word Bearers were a darkish grey colour and didn't change until after Horus had declared his hand - even though the legion had already started worshipping "Chaos".


If I remember correctly, they re-painted their armour in the blood of sacrificial victims rather than paint!

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In the novel Battle for the Abyss it is said that the armor of the Word Bearers that where in the story, were fresh from the forges of Mars

(don't think this can be considered a spoiler, correct me if I'm wrong)

This was also at the beginning of the heresy.

But then again, it doesn't mean that it was their 'new' colour. It could be an upgrades version of their old armor.


In my opinion, I would say they changed their armor after the Emperor got mad at Logar for being so slow and worshipping him. At that point, when Logar turned to the Chaos Gods, his legion changed their armor colours.



PS @ Kjarl Bluetooth - That would be the World Eaters and it is uncofirmed, but possibly true.

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im not too sure "when" they changed it in the heresy.



But it was definately not dark green :P It was charcoal gray/granite coloured with text all over it



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