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How to paint Violators?


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I'm trying to paint a Violators CSM squad for my Lost and Damned army ,but I am having some trouble on how to get that blue color. Does anyone have any hints or guides on how to achieve that nice blue color? It looks like some kinda blue with an ink wash but I cannot really tell.



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I don't mean to be a smart ass but that looks like purple to me... maybe i'm color blind...


maybe an indigo blue... but i still think getting that color would be easier from a purple base.



I would go with,

0) a. prime gray

1) medium purple,

2) dark purple ink or light black ink, 1-3 coats

2) a. i'd finish the silver and skin at this stage

3) medium-light purple dry brush

4) white with a dab of purple dry brush

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Lol, you're both right, it's right in between. Enchanted blue with a purple wash will be just about right. Also, as per 'Daemon World' by Ben Counter, the Violators only remove their helms and armour for a extremely challenging and delicious foe, or a chosen of Slaneesh. Don't forget when you're modeling em.
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That make sense. thanks alot this will make my life so much easier now. :D I was about to have a stroke figuring this out. I did a test model and was kinda dissapointed.


I'm kinda enjoying this chapter alot. Its different in that it is not the standard csm that you see on the tables. I have my Iron warriors and enjoyed painting them, but the violators paint scheme is really nice and interesting.

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I agree. I almost built a squad of em for my army but changed my mind to Khornate SW's after reading the Dornian Heresy. Have you read 'Daemon World' yet? If not, pick it up when you can, it has the most info on the Violators to date. One thing I turned up while researching the fallen chapter...the dang symbol is a bit of a pain to see, its a dagger atop a blue lightning bolt, crossed. Just ask if you want any other info, I'd be glad to assist. Hope this helps, good luck.
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