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Slaaneshi-themed music...

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I honestly think the black metal and crazy metal nonsense would belong to khorne and nurgle because their more :cussed up haha but I do think

Slaneesh and the noise marines would be blasting techno, house, hardstlye, and some other rave music I say this because This type of music is crazed sparatic and you can control a crowd of peoples emotions and stuff through rave music. I might be rambling at this point but I think slaneesh is a raver because since he is Ecstasy what other music would go better with it I ask you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes in 40 thousand years they will be listening to the latest fab in the metal/hardcore genre as these threads always turn into, as does every thread that have with music and 40k, Slaanesh Marines probably will probably listen to something so strange and horrifying to our ears that our brains would melt. Just random noises and tact, high-pitched and low-pitched to the extreme or maybe in such speed that it might only be a buzz to our ears or in a such high volume that our lungs implode of the noise. Remember that chaos is so strange to us that we can't comprehend it, chock-rockers of the week would probably wet their pants two seconds before they died after they heard the the first notes of Slaanesh cultists music.


Take this

music and do it stranger and you might understand what I am talking about. :P
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  • 3 weeks later...

Though the following two suggestions would surely be considered to be on the "rather light" side of rock/metal by virtually any self-respecting Slaanesh worshiper, they WOULD fit the whole Noise Marine "bombard-the-enemy-with-shock-waves-of-impossibly-loud-and-violently-discordant-sound-until-they-scream-in-horrific-pain-and-their-eyes-and-ears-bleed-and-their-internal-organs-burst" theme:


"Come On, Feel The Noise" by Quiet Riot

"Let Me Hear You Scream" by Ozzy Ozzbourne


Just my .02...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh I can see Slaanesh favoring anything from Angelspit (especially this song as its all about bass music making you sin, its amazing and I think it fist Slaanesh perfectly)

Heavy on bass, lots of electronic unnatural noises, heavy guitar work and some moaning thrown in for good measure ;) Plus all their songs are essentially about masochism and questioning God. Actually it was because of Angelspit that I had started a Noise Marine army as the connection is superb, haven't finished it yet of course :confused:



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Anything off Deathstars' "Night Electric Night" album would be very... Slaaneshi as far as I can tell. Case in the point:



From the way the band looks to the lyrics to the music, it's pure Slaanesh, in my opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Slaanesh I'd think you want music that can be used as a weapon, ya? Look no further then The Berzerker's self titled album. Except the song February, I'm sure the other songs can be used as sonic weapons.






Mono Grind:





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