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Slaaneshi-themed music...

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  • 6 months later...
I don't know, maybe gonna get some hatred, but when seeing Noise Marines and their weapons I am more inclined to think of 1990's/early 2000's techno and rave rather than heavy metal. A pumping bass is in my imagination much more "Noise marinish" than some grunting heavy metal dude. They got a weapon called the 'Blastmaster'. A quite succesful electronic DJ went by the name 'Master Blaster' at that time. Maybe this tilts my perception.
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I don't know, maybe gonna get some hatred, but when seeing Noise Marines and their weapons I am more inclined to think of 1990's/early 2000's techno and rave rather than heavy metal. A pumping bass is in my imagination much more "Noise marinish" than some grunting heavy metal dude. They got a weapon called the 'Blastmaster'. A quite succesful electronic DJ went by the name 'Master Blaster' at that time. Maybe this tilts my perception.


I have to mostly agree with this. Modernize it slightly and include some dubstep, and you have Noise Marines(in my book that is).

A good example is this video:


First thing I thought of were Noise Marines; seriously. Sonic waves and utter noise made weapons? Yes please! Oh! And the older models I see with guitars and such would be a bit more thrash-speed metal, though.

Somewhat like this:

Or even this: http://youtu.be/dBQe5I4p2mY


Now, combine both the newer generation models and the old-school models and I imagine this, a combination of electro, dubstep, and awesome guitar:

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 2 weeks later...
Perhaps you might consider Necrofix or Randolph's Grin for electronic music. For symphonic yet still heavy feel, try Dimmu Borgir or Septic Flesh. I wouldn't recommend Cannibal Corpse as they are quite heavy but they give me more a Khornate vibe. For straight eerieness, try Akira Yamaoka - the musical composer behind Silent Hill. I'd recommend the Silent Hill 1 OST which you can get at the Silent Hill Memories website (for free but you'll have to save each song one by one).
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  • 1 month later...

3 words.... Filthy Dub Step....


Artist almost doesn't even matter.... nice speaker systems, expensive head phones and filthy 150db Dub Step. That being said i like the way blackmill skrillex deadmau5 dadalife and a ton of other pplz make my brain tingle when i hear them. My car is packing a dirge caster IRL lol.


Hmmm slaaneshi goodness.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Has to be Prince.


Think about it - sexually charged lyrics? Check. Ambiguous sexuality? Check. Hell look at his symbol - very Slaanesh like.



Not everything has to be metal!!!



Indeed! For those of you into Bass music check out link to the past by loadstar. Pretty much exactly what I imagine sonic weaponry to produce.

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I'd like to say Deathstars, especially Cyanide and Death Dies Hard. Both have a haunting melodic sound that really works. Also Nymphetamine and Temptation by Cradle of Filth.
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  • 1 month later...

How has no-one ever thought of this?


Just for simplicity's sake, the lyrics;

Bashee playing magician sitting lotus on the floor

Belly dancing beauty with a power driven saw

Had my share of nightmares, didn't think there could be much more

then in walked Rodrick Usher with the Lady Eleanor


She tied my eyes with ribbon of a silken ghostly thread

I gazed with trouble vision on an old four poster bed

Where Eleanor had risen to kiss the neck below my head

and bid me come along with her to the land of the dancing dead


But it's all right, Lady Eleanor

All right, Lady Eleanor

I'm all right where I am


She gazed with loving beauty like a mother to a son

like living, dying, seeing, being all rolled into one

Then all at once I heard some music playing in my bones

the same old song I'd heard for years, reminding me of home


But it's all right, Lady Eleanor

All right, Lady Eleanor

I'm all right where I am


Then creeping on towards me, licking lips with tongues of fire

a host of golden demons screaming lust and base desire

and when it seemed for certain that the screams could get no higher

I heard a voice above the rest screaming 'You're a liar'


But it's all right, Lady Eleanor

All right, Lady Eleanor

I'm all right here in your arms

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  • 1 month later...

Slaanesh..I need to get a slaanesh demon host..


Queen, especially dont stop me now



Deathstars are slaaneshi daemonettes posing as humans, everyone knows that.....





when slaanesh feels kinkier than usual it listens to GUT


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