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Chaos Lord w/ Mark of Slaanesh


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The basic figure is an Old School™ WFB Chaos Champion from the early 90's, and I decided to add 40K detailing to so I could use him as the leader of my CSM Warband. I have a separate thread for my warband as it is very much a work-in-progress. Essentially I'm going to use him as a Chaos Lord w/ Mark of Slaanesh and "Blissgiver" Demon Weapon. The underside of the bolter is magnetized so I can add combi-weapon options, but I'm still sorting out what details I'd like to have on those so they fit with the figure as a whole - haven't had a chance to work on them yet, in short.



This was my first time applying decals, and my first attempt on this guy after a few tests elsewhere I jacked things up something fierce - the hood got accidentally stripped down to primer after removing a decal I was unhappy with. I ended up having to touch everything back up and try and color match - the final texture ended up being a bit lumpy so I painted the damaged finish up to resemble the warts/boils/tumors on the rest of his body.


I painted him up to a higher standard than what I've been doing for the rest of my troops - not Golden Demon, but with a decent amount of work and maybe 2-3 steps of highlights and shading each. Most of my painting/layering is translucent, so there's actually pure white used on the most extreme highlights in some areas (his bluish flesh, the pink leather, etc.) and the shading goes down to a blackish-blue. I think I put in a higher level of contrast in this guy compared to any other figure previous - I'm curious what people think. (It took some fiddling around with colors to finally sort things out to what you see here - he went through some changes: an originally pale pink hood, pastel greenish skin, etc.)


I wanted him to tie in with the rest of my army, so certain details - like the brownish-silver color of the metal trim and the purple shoulder pads - maybe aren't as Slaaneshi as they could possibly have been, but I also didn't want to make him too garish-looking. Everything (more or less) has elements of blue worked into the shading with the exception of the Blissgiver scourge, where I went with a purple tinge to the metal highlighted up to the same white metallic color as the decorative shoulder pieces.


I'm hoping that the more fleshy colored areas get across what I was aiming for - that they're made from tanned human leather (specifically the grip on the Daemon Weapon, the bolter holster, and his hood.)


In all, he was a fun figure to paint and I cut loose a bit in terms of my usual painting style. Feedback - the more detailed the better - would be great! (I've had him posted over on CMoN for a while and I haven't gotten any feedback on him yet, in addition to what feels like a somewhat disappointing rating compared to the amount of work I think I put into him.)

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I really like this. The model is great and the conversion blends into the original model well. The choice of colours is muted but still definately looks Slaanesh. It looks like a more "realistic" and less over the top version of a Slaaneshi champion. In a very good way.


Nice work!

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EDIT: Didn't see the bolter. That helps!


I really don't quite get the feeling that this is a CSM, despite your obvious talent for painting. A backpack with some hoses/wires/etc would go a long way to "futurizing" this piece. Maybe you could do some drastic surgery and give him a pistol in his pointing arm?


Other than that, I can't think of much criticism for the piece. You've done a good job of painting this mini, and it has a distinctly Slaaneshi feel to it. Kudos! ;)

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Although this is an extremely well painted model, I can't help but see it as a crossdressing Choas cultist with a handbag fetish. Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic looking model and the bolter conversion is very well done - it just doesn't scream 40k to me. I think that the others have hit the nail on the proverbial head - it needs a backpack and maybe some armoured cabling just to futurise (is that a word?) it a bit.
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