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What model could I use?


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I want to make a lord on a mount, that counts as a daemon prince. If I did that, would it be big enough to represent the daemon prince? What models would you suggest using as a mount? I was thinking of this model, but I'm not sure if it comes in separate pieces. Does anyone know it it does? link
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I would say not really to the right size thing since the Fantasy Cav dudes ar slightly bigger than a miker in height, However if you want something Night lordy for a Daemon Prince you should see If you could get ahold of the High ely guy from Island of Blood on the Griffin and remove its head and turn it into a Centaur type guy with a torso from something.


And as for its bit Im pretty sure the Horse is in like 3 bits the legs of the rider are attached and the rider is a couple of bits but If you want a horse type mount go for Archaon his horse is so far more Bad ass http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...odId=prod830844 but yeah still would be a tad small

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some chaos spawn bitz, armour and such and i think that'd be ready to rock :rolleyes:

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another idea is buy something that looks like a large chaotic bat (nazgul springs to mind) convert it a little to look a bit different and have a PA rider and it would be a prince with wings.


in my opinion do that and give the rider (or beast) something that is a bit like lightning claws and use the warptime rules for when you use them.

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Dark Elf Manticore would look cool. Some sort of giant bat would be cool, the Lizardmen have those terradactyle things, the Ogres have a giant beast but it might be Forgeworld special order, you could always go Dragon. Ultraforge might have some options or other non-GW companies.
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