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Unconventional Word Bearers


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I know there are a couple other Word Bearer related threads around, but as they weren't particularly in the ballpark for what I am posting or about models I thought I would start a new topic. A little info first, I am a Black Templar player(Yeah, I'm a loyalist lapdog. But, hey! Mayhap I will be converted one fateful day soon.) and was draw to them due to their zeal and fanatical devotion to the Emperor. Their ruthless additude and "Get the job done by whatever means nessicary" tactics and "above 'lesser' chapters" spoke to me about some much needed grimdarkness that was lacking from the other loyalist marine dexes(from my perspective and a topic for another time). This inadvertdantly drew me to what I forsaw as their Chaosy counterpart: The Sons of Lorgar. Now to be honest, there are some more philosphoical reasons for my choices in who I like loyalist and traitor(or vice versa if you want to be like that) wise. I had tried a World Eater army for a bit, as at the time I was a youngun(i.e. this past year), but found the worship of one god.. and my playstyle lacking and thus returned to the Emperor secretly as I knew my former-brothers would not forgive such heresy. Here I am again drawn to the promise of power and Chaos is beckoning for undivided worship. So without further delay here are my questions on the Bearers of the Word.


1.) Would it be feasible to have a Dark Apostle ascend to Daemonhood, but often return to the material plane to assist his First Acolyte(the new Dark Apostle for the host)?

2.) I know the Coryphaus is supose to be a warlord and master strategist etc and also an intermediary between the host and the Dark Apostle, would it be possible for a Coryphaus to be a Sorcerer(Or a being gifted as such by Chaos that he has 'sorcerous' powers)?

3.) Word Bearers seem to me much more about just satisfying the Chaos gods and worshipping them moreso then anything else. Is it possible to have a Host that may be a bit unconventional that they seek to worship the gods in all their glory, but also wish to rid the galaxy of all xenos and the Imperium as they see it as a shackle on man and his potential/suppressing his ability to advance and be innovative. I.e. can they have some more ultieror motives then? I'm all well and good with worshipping Chaos and wanting revenge for the Emperor's betrayal of the Astartes(depending on which side you are one of course). Is it feasibly for them to have an ulterior motive to accompany their.... ulterior motives such as was described previously?

4. We all know Chaos is about being selfish and ambitious and backstabbing and that is why it never seems to get anywhere(Abaddon be damned!), but Chaos Space Marines are exactly that, Space Marines. I feel like they are thrown into a light of simply being bulky power-armored Dark Eldar.... that have better models. But inspite of this could it be feasible to have a Host of Word Bearers loyal to their Primarch and Legion and Dark Apostle and their Host that they would be able to retain being evil and chaosy but also have the ability to not stab that guy to your left cause he has a shiny daemon sword which means such and such and such. Basically, can you have Chaos Battle-brothers with a loyalty to eachother, not on the level of loyalists, but to a degree they would think of their goals first before personal power(goals being things stated in question #3)?

5.) Is the Word Bearer armor, bright red, reddish-purple, deep red, blood red, red-orange... I've seen alot of varying pictures and... well would like some info on this as to what their color acctually is.


That's all for now folks. Thanks for any and all answers and help to be given.

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1.) Would it be feasible to have a Dark Apostle ascend to Daemonhood, but often return to the material plane to assist his First Acolyte(the new Dark Apostle for the host)?

I think its reasonable but "assist" is not the right term. I would think of it more as "insure that he's sufficiently dutiful and faithful in his practices".

2.) I know the Coryphaus is supose to be a warlord and master strategist etc and also an intermediary between the host and the Dark Apostle, would it be possible for a Coryphaus to be a Sorcerer(Or a being gifted as such by Chaos that he has 'sorcerous' powers)?

I think it would be fine. To be honest, the Coryphaus has only really been explained in one, maybe two hosts so I think there is plenty of room uniqueness with your choice. Remember a Host is built however the DA wants it to be.


3.) Word Bearers seem to me much more about just satisfying the Chaos gods and worshipping them moreso then anything else. Is it possible to have a Host that may be a bit unconventional that they seek to worship the gods in all their glory, but also wish to rid the galaxy of all xenos and the Imperium as they see it as a shackle on man and his potential/suppressing his ability to advance and be innovative. I.e. can they have some more ultieror motives then? I'm all well and good with worshipping Chaos and wanting revenge for the Emperor's betrayal of the Astartes(depending on which side you are one of course). Is it feasibly for them to have an ulterior motive to accompany their.... ulterior motives such as was described previously?

Actually, the Word Bearers are very Xenophobic, just like the majority of Marines. They might be traitors but they hate the alien just as much as their loyalist brothers.

I agree with your assessment that the Black Templar and Word Bearers are VERY similar in most regards but differ in the object of their worship.

4. We all know Chaos is about being selfish and ambitious and backstabbing and that is why it never seems to get anywhere(Abaddon be damned!), but Chaos Space Marines are exactly that, Space Marines. I feel like they are thrown into a light of simply being bulky power-armored Dark Eldar.... that have better models. But inspite of this could it be feasible to have a Host of Word Bearers loyal to their Primarch and Legion and Dark Apostle and their Host that they would be able to retain being evil and chaosy but also have the ability to not stab that guy to your left cause he has a shiny daemon sword which means such and such and such. Basically, can you have Chaos Battle-brothers with a loyalty to eachother, not on the level of loyalists, but to a degree they would think of their goals first before personal power(goals being things stated in question #3)?

Short answer yes and of all the Legions, the Word Bearers would pull this off the best.

5.) Is the Word Bearer armor, bright red, reddish-purple, deep red, blood red, red-orange... I've seen alot of varying pictures and... well would like some info on this as to what their color acctually is.

I think they look best in the deep "wine" color, kind of a mix between red and purple.

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5.) Is the Word Bearer armor, bright red, reddish-purple, deep red, blood red, red-orange... I've seen alot of varying pictures and... well would like some info on this as to what their color acctually is.


My Word Bearers are dark red (Scab Red with a black wash).


4. We all know Chaos is about being selfish and ambitious and backstabbing and that is why it never seems to get anywhere(Abaddon be damned!), but Chaos Space Marines are exactly that, Space Marines. I feel like they are thrown into a light of simply being bulky power-armored Dark Eldar.... that have better models. But inspite of this could it be feasible to have a Host of Word Bearers loyal to their Primarch and Legion and Dark Apostle and their Host that they would be able to retain being evil and chaosy but also have the ability to not stab that guy to your left cause he has a shiny daemon sword which means such and such and such. Basically, can you have Chaos Battle-brothers with a loyalty to eachother, not on the level of loyalists, but to a degree they would think of their goals first before personal power(goals being things stated in question #3)?


Personally thats one of the reasons I chose Word Bearers for my force. I like the idea of being a part of an entire Legion with my Chaotic brothers backing me up, not just some little warband that runs around looting and raiding. This idea made me choose between Iron Warriors and Word Bearers (both relatively intact Legions), but I chose Word Bearers in the end.


1.) Would it be feasible to have a Dark Apostle ascend to Daemonhood, but often return to the material plane to assist his First Acolyte(the new Dark Apostle for the host)?


Funnily enough, thats what I am doing with my Host. Illikthar the Soul Destroyer (a Daemon Prince, and former Dark Apostle) serves as a kind of "messenger of the Gods" to my Host's Dark Apostle. The Apostle and the rest of the Host don't really realize it, but Illikthar is the true master of the Host, pulling the strings of his puppet Apostle who thinks Illikthar is truthfully saying what the Gods have told him.

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Thanks for the replies guys. Agreed that one of the things that I like about the Word Bearers is their intact legion and the less stabbystabby for personal power attitude compared to most chaos warbands or chaos in general.


On the Daemon Prince, I suppose assist wasn't the right word, but I don't think I would have him be a puppetmaster either. As the Coryphaus is the intermediary between the host and the apostle and the apostle being an intermediary between the host and the gods. I was thinking of the Daemon Prince being summoned(and perhaps having less typical daemon arrogance towards his former acolyte) and acting, yea, as a messenger but also a force on the battle field. Kinda like the Loyalist saints? A reinforcement of their faith in the gods that a Daemon Prince would constantly reinforce their lines in the battlefield and encourage them on to greater acts of faith, wether they are heroic(chaos.. heroic? huh?) or more grand sacrifices to the gods.


On another note, another question sprouted up. Cultists. This is still a fluff question. I know in the Word Bearer books and other sources say they use Cultists as fodder and meatshields, but as my envisioned host would have a more "enlighten the imperium and free them from their shackles" attitude, would it be pausible for them to use cultists, but not in such a uncaring fashion. Basically the host sees humanity as its "flock" and those that have not been brought the truth and light of chaos are the "lost sheep" and the dark apostle would rather see humanity united in chaos and his flock together instead of such a blatant disregard for humanity that chaos regularly has besides the desire to exterminate it(to some extent). This wouldn't interfere with any sort of rituals as sacrifices to the gods as there will be plenty of POWs and bodies from battles to use in the process.

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On another note, another question sprouted up. Cultists. This is still a fluff question. I know in the Word Bearer books and other sources say they use Cultists as fodder and meatshields, but as my envisioned host would have a more "enlighten the imperium and free them from their shackles" attitude, would it be pausible for them to use cultists, but not in such a uncaring fashion. Basically the host sees humanity as its "flock" and those that have not been brought the truth and light of chaos are the "lost sheep" and the dark apostle would rather see humanity united in chaos and his flock together instead of such a blatant disregard for humanity that chaos regularly has besides the desire to exterminate it(to some extent). This wouldn't interfere with any sort of rituals as sacrifices to the gods as there will be plenty of POWs and bodies from battles to use in the process.


There are many scriptures from the Book of Lorgar, and like any religion, it's all a matter of how the reader wants to interpret the writing, and the attitude of the Apostle himself, of course. "Place the sword of truth upon their brow, and the light of the Dark Gods will shine within them." for example. One man could say, "Ah, enlighten them with the strength of Chaos, and they will follow devoutly!". Another, "Ah, stab a sword through their skulls, and feed their souls to the warp!" It's all how you decide it should be, man. Both paths are effective in their own way.

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