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during the heresy black legion


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something crossed my mind a while i was lurking through some chaos forums.


the idea i have is to purchase the black reach set, and simple paint the marines from that as black legion to symbolise them as chaos, but without the chaos influence too greatly just yet...kinda of representing the initial steps of the transformation...


the scheme would be a very close tie to what is represented on them at present. i have most of the ideas already planned out...


the only thing that i require its strong feedback, criticism on the idea is strongly needed,


ps. skull iconography and anything that represents chaos except for the 8 pointed star will not be used...


any ideas that you's think i should add in, feel free to add anything reasonable, idiotic posts will simply be ignored...



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If I remember right, the Black Legion didn't become as such or paint their army black until a much later time after the heresy, and well.. by then they were fully into Chaos. The codex says it was after the incident in which Horus' body was stolen and Abaddon called the legion to reject Horus' name. Most likely if you are to do them in heresy-era paint scheme it would be the original Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus paint scheme which I believe is a white with green/grey trim.
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True, their original armor had many Chaotic icons on them before they painted it black. So you want to do a Sons of Horus instead of Black Legion if you really want that Legion.

Other idea is the Alpha Legion who use steath tactics like dressing themself in Loyalist Space Marines.

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the idea i have is to purchase the black reach set, and simple paint the marines from that as black legion to symbolise them as chaos, but without the chaos influence too greatly just yet...kinda of representing the initial steps of the transformation...


the scheme would be a very close tie to what is represented on them at present. i have most of the ideas already planned out...



If you want to use a black colour scheme, I would use the Fallen Angels. The Dark Angels colour was black and did not change to dark green until after the Horus Heresy. Considering they were scattered throughout space and time, this would probably explain why they haven’t had to much chaos influence. The Black Legion did not change to black intill after the Hourus Heresy when they swore allegiance to Abaddon.<_<

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