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What colour do you paint your Dark Angels's Bolters?


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I am curious what colour you guys paint your Dark Angels's bolters. I love how they look on the cover grey, but when I tried painting it onto the minis it looked horrible. I am still not a good painter but hopefully that will change. So I went back to red like they are inside the codex.


So what do you guys do?

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I use both black and red. Black for my assault squads' chainswords and bolt pistols and black for all heavy weapons.


I use a deep red for my tactical marines created with a black undercoat, dark flesh basecoat and 50/50 mix of dark flesh and blood red for the highlight.


Looks like this:



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I use mechrite red (highlighted with a little blazing orange or combo of both) for everyone and every weapon!




Even in the resupply pod -


Sorry, maybe I got carried away with the photos...

I'm actually thinking about switching to the yellow and black chevron scheme for chainswords though - maybe just for assault marines.

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I used to do black, because the idea of a serious military force painting their weapons red just always seemed silly to me.


However, when I started considering expanding my Greenwing army with some Ravenwing and Deathwing elements, I wanted to include some colors that were the same across all three wings to tie the army together. Weapon color was the only thing that was doable for this purpose, but black didn't work because of the black on Ravenwing. Red, however, worked with all three base colors (dark green, off white, and black), so that became my new weapon color.


And really, I've come to like it better anyway. Black weapons on dark green models just don't "pop" enough. I find the models too dark, and kind of dull. That said, I don't like the 'Eavy Metal team's bright red. Their painting style is too cartoony for my tastes. So I go for a slightly darker, richer red. Kind of like Gillyfish's pic above. Nice model, G!

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@EPK - have you still got the tutorial for that re-supply pod, as I can't find it here any more. Unless I dreamt the guide in the first place!!


Well, I don't believe I actually did a tutorial per se, I simply made this template which was more or less a reduced size of an actual drop pod -




What it's missing however is the template piece for what would be the hinges, which I used the metal around an eraser of a pencil to represent. Because of the small size (and splitting poster board), I also did a little improv on the doors, using layers of masking tape.


And here was the thread detailing my progress.


Maybe not the cleanest, but it got the job done. I'd recommend plasticard over the scrap poster board I used.

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I know I am weird ;)


I saw an old White Dwarf with a DA ilustration and the guns were some sort of blueish metal... I ended up with dark turquoise casings, dont know exactly why, but I liked it and they sticked. Back in the day I decided this, everyone DA was doing 3rd company, so I started fifth to make up the difference.


For Dethwing I'll stick with green, and havent decided what I'll do with Ravenwing. I've seen pics with green casings that look awesome, so maybe I'll go with green for Ravenwing too.

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Forge World show DA weapons having a black/grey casing with a diagonal red stripe in Imperial Armour 5... I tend to be a red bolter man myself... same with my black templars... can't actually remember what my space wolves have but I guess it would be the same :)
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I started with just boltgun metal and now switched to black with a few boltgun metal pieces. I just don't like red bolters. Sometimes they look good, most of the time I just don't like the look, even if they are painted very well. :) I'm not painting DA though :)
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