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Word Bearers help


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So I am on the verge of making a Word Bearers army out of boredom using the SW Codex. I would appreciate if we kept the counts-as controversy out of the thread and just comment on my proposed idea of World Bearers and the list I am thinking about.


So based on my readings of Dark Apostles and Apostles in the army with a zealous worship of Chaos and gifts/blessing betsowed I came up with the following.


Ulrik the Slayer as my Dark Apostle

Wolf Priest as Apostle

Wolf Priest as Apostle


Wolf Guard as Apostle Initiates


Lone Wolf as Chaos-gifted World Bearer


Grey Hunters as World Bearer CSM

Blood Claws as Cultists


Fenrisian Wolves as demons


My List would be as follows:


Dark Apostle with 7 Apostle Initiates in Rhino


Apostle attached to Cultists 1

Apostle attached to Cultists 2


Apostle Initiates split:


1 Leading World Bearers CSM w/Rhino 1

1 Leading World Bearers CSM w/Rhino 2

1 Leading World Bearers CSM w/Rhino 3


7 attached to Dark Apostle


Gifted World Bearer on his own


15 x Demons with upgraded demon

15 x Demons with upgraded demon


Now the question I have is how mechanically equipped are the World Bearers? I would like to then either do a couple of Vindis or a LR to transport at least one squad of Cultists.


As you can see, I am trying to saturate everything with the equivalent of what would be a "preacher" of Chaos, being either Apostles or Apostle Initiates. I can also use the Mark of the Wulfen mechanic within the squads to represent not a Chaos-gifted but at least a Chaos-blessed World Bearer.


Ulrik as a leader has abilities that can represent him being a particularly powerful orator/preacher of Chaos.


Fenrisian Wolves make sense to be summoned lesser demons as gifts for the World Bearers devotion to aid them in battle.

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I would appreciate if we kept the counts-as controversy out of the thread and just comment on my proposed idea of World Bearers and the list I am thinking about.

Allraight then, let's have a look at your list, while I take a good sip form my coke here...



Blood Claws as Cultists

*pffrrrst* What?? Oh come on! You could just as well play your grot rebel force using Deathwing rules.


Other than that the substitutions seem workable. Though I am not sure a Word Bearers host has subordinate "Apostles" under the "Dark Apostle".



Now the question I have is how mechanically equipped are the World Bearers?

They are your basic Chaos Astartes force. So every vehicle in the Codex Chaos Space Marines is valid. I personally would perhaps refrain from taking Vindicators, since I am old school and would not see those as established Chaos vehicles. Other than "basic Chaos", the layout of a Word Bearers force depends entirely on the whim of the Dark Apostle (not unlike how Space Wolves Great Companies are organised). If he wants a lot of heavy support squads, he will have a lot of heavy support squads. If he wants mechanised infantry, he will have mechanised infantry.



I would like to then either do a couple of Vindis or a LR to transport at least one squad of Cultists.

Yeah, well, I have a bit if an issue with your "Cultists"...


Other than the "Cultists", the presence of ATSKNF is, as allways, a glaring issue with representing a traitor Marine force.

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I agree with Legatus on the use of Blood Claws as "cultists", using fenrisian wolves would prob be a better representation of the common fodder that they are. Also, I'm pretty sure that there are no Apostles Serving under the Dark Apostle. 1 regular Wolf Priest could be the First Acolyte, but 1 and only 1. I would replace the 2nd Wolf Priest with a World Lord to act as the Coryphaus of the host. Wolf Guard wouldn't nessicarily be Apostle initiates, they would work better as aspiring champions who would compete for the position in a time when succession is called for(death of the dark apostle, or first acolyte, etc), but not specifically initiates to be an Apostle. For daemons you could go with using TWC and use the new Bloodcrushers or seekers of slaanesh as the "daemons".


On a final note, if you plan on giving any WG Termi Armor, that changes them completely from champions to the Word Bearer elite known as "The Annointed".

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I agree with Legatus on the use of Blood Claws as "cultists", using fenrisian wolves would prob be a better representation of the common fodder that they are. Also, I'm pretty sure that there are no Apostles Serving under the Dark Apostle. 1 regular Wolf Priest could be the First Acolyte, but 1 and only 1. I would replace the 2nd Wolf Priest with a World Lord to act as the Coryphaus of the host. Wolf Guard wouldn't nessicarily be Apostle initiates, they would work better as aspiring champions who would compete for the position in a time when succession is called for(death of the dark apostle, or first acolyte, etc), but not specifically initiates to be an Apostle. For daemons you could go with using TWC and use the new Bloodcrushers or seekers of slaanesh as the "daemons".


On a final note, if you plan on giving any WG Termi Armor, that changes them completely from champions to the Word Bearer elite known as "The Annointed".


Thanks. I wsa wondering what the command structure of the World Bearers consisted of and that helps.

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Blood Claws as Cultists

*pffrrrst* What?? Oh come on! You could just as well play your grot rebel force using Deathwing rules.


I'm going to third this. Word Bearers don't use cultists as auxilliary forces like the Alpha Legion. They use them as meat shields, similar to how the Tyranids have creatures who only exist to make the enemy run out of ammunition before the actual attack.


A better representation of Blood Claws would be as "Assault Squads". The reduced BS could be explained as them spending much time doing close combat training and very little time at the shooting range.

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I agree with Legatus on the use of Blood Claws as "cultists", using fenrisian wolves would prob be a better representation of the common fodder that they are. Also, I'm pretty sure that there are no Apostles Serving under the Dark Apostle. 1 regular Wolf Priest could be the First Acolyte, but 1 and only 1. I would replace the 2nd Wolf Priest with a World Lord to act as the Coryphaus of the host. Wolf Guard wouldn't nessicarily be Apostle initiates, they would work better as aspiring champions who would compete for the position in a time when succession is called for(death of the dark apostle, or first acolyte, etc), but not specifically initiates to be an Apostle. For daemons you could go with using TWC and use the new Bloodcrushers or seekers of slaanesh as the "daemons".


On a final note, if you plan on giving any WG Termi Armor, that changes them completely from champions to the Word Bearer elite known as "The Annointed".


Thanks. I wsa wondering what the command structure of the World Bearers consisted of and that helps.

World Bearers? We don't Bear Worlds, WE EAT THEM

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