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I might hop onto the Oblit bandwagon


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People just have a tendency to shoot at the big dynamic models first, it's just human nature

0_o what ???


But if you know what you're doing they MUST react to you not the other way around.

good luck hiding 3 defilers against IG ,SW or a razorbuild .


That which draws the eye draws the most attention. It's genetics. If you've got twins, one with a gun and the other dressed like a cross between Santa Claus and Liberace, the unfortunate fact is that your attention will mostly be taken in by the visual, not the gun....until you get shot at, survival doesn't kick in so much. Sad but true.


And if you look earlier in the thread, I don't run 3 Defilers. 2*3 Oblits and a Defiler aren't as hard to hide.

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People just have a tendency to shoot at the big dynamic models first, it's just human nature

0_o what ???


But if you know what you're doing they MUST react to you not the other way around.

good luck hiding 3 defilers against IG ,SW or a razorbuild .


Hide? Well, that's just not very Chaosy, now is it? lol.

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I perfer a Vindicator and Obliterators


The Vindi is easier to hide than a Defiler and the Obliterators just rule!


My Defiler 'mr snippy' has been left in his box now for a good few years, I was recently surprised to find Id bought a 2nd Defiler in a trade that id also put in a box and forgotten about.

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Hey Mini, welcome to the wagon. Hahaha.


Here is the thing.. I used to be JUST LIKE YOU... For a few reasons primarily because I didnt want to shovel out the cash for 4-6 obliterators.. To date i own four and that is all I really ever need. I usually deploy them in cover or with good firing lands.. The reason obliterators are so great is because really you can put them out there and they can soak some serious damage in addition to being viable at killing any target, multi melta, lascannon, TL plasma guns, Plasma cannon. Its just nice to be able to take down an ENTIRE 10 man tactical squad in a turn using two obliterators. RARELY have I ever deepstriked them and I get a lot of flack for that from my local gaming community but they will make back their points turn one if played correctly.


You are a smart guy and in the end after a few games you will figure out how obliterators can fit into your lists. They are the cream of the crop. compulsive choice sort of like daemon princes for most people.

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