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Night Lords

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So after reading Soul Hunter and listening to Throne of Lies i feel as if our codex doesn't really give us a way to really do any of the true legions justice.


One thing i was thinking raise all Night Lords marines by 1pts and give them Night Vision or Night Fight whateverthe universal rule is called now. For characters 5pts.


Make actual Drop Pods available to them maybe without the deathwind launcher upgrade. Maybe a Havoc Launcher. Other then that i say leave as is. do not get me wrong i like the codex we have...for say black legion or angry marines like those lesser chapters. I just feel true legionary players even the cult guys really lost character with this book andmaybe we should start playtesting rules for the legions we play. I mean the rules I came up with here are not that game breaking so i mean I am not saying "hey we have 10k old marines WS7 basic troops" I am just saying something to add character back to our diluted book. Wolves, Twlight angels, Emo Angels, Warrior Priests In Spaaaaaaace and Smurfs all still have character in one way or another.

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I dunno. I mean yeah, Night Vision kind of made sense for Night Lords back in 3.5, where every Chaos Marine had a veteran skill and even loyalists were getting a few. But now GW has taken them away again, and has restricted them to very few and specific instances. And if you think about it, Chaos Marines are wearing helmets with enhanced visors anyway, so if the Marine himself had a night vision that would really make no difference at all. Space Wolves on the other hand are said to have a variety of enhanced senses, and are able to smell their prey over long distances or hear a particular heartbeat even during battle. That is perhaps a bit over the top, but that is much more than just having enhanced vision.
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I've always found night vision (and night fight) to be a particularly silly addition to the 40K rules. The vast majority of 40K armies either have natural low-light vision of some kind, or wear helmets that should grant it.


While the Chaos Marine list is bizarrely spartan compared to the more recent Marine Codecies (as GW began to realize that 40K players just cannot live without their special rules), saying that it doesn't "do any of the true legions justice" isn't right either. The character and feel of the Legions is established in their background - weaksauce in the current Codex, given - rather than some quirk or special rule in the game. The Legions have differences between them, but Chaos Space Marines fight like Chaos Space Marines.

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the night fight rule is silly as has been stated, who goes to battle at night without a helmet which would help? only a few, that would mean it was a handicap to guard and a couple of other units.


i dislike the constant addition of special rules, i think there should be trait of certain legions to bring back character but when GW hear that they think " ok... lets give every good chaos unit rage, that will keep fluff nuts happy"


in a real response, maybe give them a rule that makes opponents take a morale test when they meet in combat. afterall, night lords are scary

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Droppods or better said dreadclaws are no problem. Just read the first page in the FW books. You no longer have to ask if you wanna use FW stuff (with the exception of war engines and titans). The dreadclaw model is very expensive, but you can use droppods for that and play it with the dreadclaw rules. And if someone has a problem because you´re using FW stuff/rules.....nobody forces him to play against you.

Personal i hope that we will get with a new dex special characters like in C:SM. Or special rules for example if you use a general with jumppack raptors could be used as troop choises.

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In my thread brainstorming a new Codex, I considered the same issue. Paths of Glory is a Codex Leveling Project term, and I incorporated the concept into my ideas. Basically the Path of Glory is an upgrade for Princes, Lords, and Sorcerers; in my vision it would act as a Chapter Tactic (though of course not tied to special characters, damn you Ward). Night Lords had this one.


Night Lords/Path of Terror: Any time an enemy unit suffers from a Leadership modifier, it is increased in effect by -1. Enemy Reserves must take a Pinning Test on the turn they come in. In addition, all units in this army have Night Vision. All games are by Dusk and Dawn rules, and you may influence the die to cease or continue playing with Night Fighting by 1.


This is to represent the fact that the Night Lords' foes will be generally scared fekomatter-less, and any particular blow to their courage is going to push them over the edge. Even the enemy's flanks will be harried by hit and run terror attacks. The Night Lords will play to their strengths, and darkness is one of the chief multipliers of fright.

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Where loyalist Veterans and Terminators were previously able to chose between three Veteran Skills, and other units could get could get other skills via the trait system, there now is one for the Blood Angels, and one or two for the Space Wolves (but that's pretty much how they have been since 3rd Edition). Khorne Berserkers still have Furious Charge too.
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Where loyalist Veterans and Terminators were previously able to chose between three Veteran Skills

and they still can you just play BT . or play DA and have them as troops [another legion with special rules].


Khorne Berserkers still have Furious Charge too.

and besides this meaning that Icon armed csm suck compering to pms or zerkers and forcing people to play BL how does that help with NL or any other csm being identical no matter what legion they come from. because I think am missing something here.


but that's pretty much how they have been since 3rd Edition).

they never had termis as troops . neither did they cost less with 2 traits then csm without one with same arment [not counting ATSKNF].

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Where loyalist Veterans and Terminators were previously able to chose between three Veteran Skills

and they still can you just play BT

Really, you are going to refer to a Codex released in 2005 to make a point about how the new GW Codex paradigm supposedly still gives everyone veteran skills except Chaos? :tu:



or play DA and have them as troops

Deathwing Terminators don't get veteran skills. ;)



Khorne Berserkers still have Furious Charge too.

and besides this meaning that Icon armed csm suck compering to pms or zerkers and forcing people to play BL how does that help with NL or any other csm being identical no matter what legion they come from. because I think am missing something here.

You might. You are of the assumption that a Night Lords Chaos Space Marine should have different rules than an Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marine or a Black Legion Chaos Space Marine. But since GW has removed the option for a variety of veteran skills, the minor differences that might have been there are now not expressed in the rules. Kind of how Raven Guard Assault Squads do not have "Furious Charge" andmore or how Imperial Fists Devastators do not have "Tank Hunters" anymore. These minor differences have been removed by the more streamlined new army lists. For everyone who previously shared a Codex. Eldar, IG, Codex Marines. etc.



but that's pretty much how they have been since 3rd Edition).

they never had termis as troops . neither did they cost less with 2 traits then csm without one with same arment [not counting ATSKNF].

Yeah, the Space Wolves have pretty strong rules now. I fail to see your point.

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and besides this meaning that Icon armed csm suck compering to pms or zerkers and forcing people to play BL how does that help with NL or any other csm being identical no matter what legion they come from.

I'm always weirded out by the fact that people will honestly suggest that Chaos Legions were only ever played between the years of 2003 and 2007, despite their existence in the 40K universe for at least a decade beforehand.

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