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Sisters of Battle


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So, I was at the US Gamesday when they first had the preview minis of the Sisters of Battle. I bought the box the day it came out, and then, later, I bought the codex the second it came out of the box at the store I went to at the time. I never really had the money to sink into an all metal army, so I never really got them off the ground, though I always, ALWAYS wanted to run a Sister's army. This spring, a friend of mine actually had one laying around and just gave it to me, so now I have 3000 pts of Sisters to paint, on top of all my other armies. I'm trying a new "techinque" where I try to actually get through an army in a reasonable amount of time, and this squad is the first batch of models with this new army painting philosophy...Let me know how you feel. I have spent the bare minimum amount of time on each one and have left quite a few mistakes in there for the stake of time. I want them to look done and considered, but I don't want to labor over them. I think I have a good balance. I'm struggling a bit with my photo-rig, so hopefully the pictures don't look too awful.





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AWESOME! Really love the bone coloured armour.


Here are some suggestions for errors I have noticed though:

-on the first gal I would wash the metal Badab Black (mainly on the bolter) and Highlight the bolter casing,

-I would also paint the grenades and purity seal wax a different colour from the armour,

-You also need a bit of alteration in the hair colour on the squad,

-The armour could also do with a bit of contrast on it, the red robes look could but there's something missing, can I suggest you paint any symbols/aquilas/trims etc a dark colour. Black could work really well.


Sorry if I seem to be nagging and picky but I only hop to help you

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Thanks guys! I'm glad you all like them, I've never done a "speed-painted" army, so I was nervous.

Bloodhowl, your points are all totally valid. I should go back and paint the seal a different color, I just forgot. The grenades are actually camo green, maybe they came across weird. I'm probably going to leave the bolters the way they are... I know they could use highlighting and washing, but I really, truly want to avoid that as much as possible. The hair I was going to have dyed black on all the models, but vary the skin tones quite a bit instead. I may go back and add some streaks of a diff. color for some of the Sister Superiors and characters. I was actually going for a low contrast look with the trims/symbols, so I went with the bronze and bone colors. Again, your points are all totally valid and I don't disagree on any of it, really, I'm just going for a specific goal: Paint this things as fast as possible.


I've got them down to 20 mins a model. Spray bone, blood red, brazen brass, chainmail, bestial brown for pouches (and some faces), camo for the grenades, a dab of turqouise for the sights, black on the bolters, and varying browns for faces. Then I used army painter strong-tone on the whole model, applied with a brush, and let it sit over night. Matte spray, base, done.

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