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Painting different squads... differently?


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Hey everyone! I play Word Bearers CSM and I like organization. Now I need ideas on how to differatiate the squads in my army. The Chosen are obvious because they have gold backpack caps, shoulder trim, and weapons as well as black shoulder inlets. I have a squad painted in the usual scheme and another with only black shoulder inlets, maybe switch that to ONE shoulder inlet being black? I dont want someone to go "uhh thats not word bearers" Do you guys hve ideas of painting each squad quasi differently? maybe a helmet stripe or something like Vanilla marines? hhaa
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The easiest thing to do is to mark each squad with a different stylised version of the Legion icon. Admittedly this is easier to do with the Black Legion... but (assuming you are free-handing the mark of the legion) just alter how you paint it.

Alternatively you could paint specific squad (clan, band, circle... whatever) markings on a shoulder pad (much like the loyalists do), or make each squad distinct in its own way along fluff lines - i.e. if you had a squad called the 'Deathbringers' (or something more imaginative) you could have them look entirely Word Bearer save for a white skull motif painted over the face of their helmets (greenstuff a grill or covering over ther vox and you can make it even better). A creepy variant of this is to model with greenstuff a flayed face over their helmet face.


It's Chaos after all - you can do anything your twisted imagination can come up with and still be within the boundaries of fluff.

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Well my variant of Word Bearers have black hands, feet and helmet, but I have one squad with black shoulder inlets... which will become 1 black inlet since it looks too... un WB. And the other standard, im thinking maybe another with writing just everywhere all over the models armor itself?
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