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in midnight clad, upon wings of blood....

Pig Of Sparta

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I thought I'd share some photos of a project that I've actually completed (woohoo!). When I started putting the mini together I didn't really have any idea what to do with it, but then after some thought a clear colour scheme began to form which lead to the mini that you see below. I honestly couldn't tell you whether he's a Sanguinary Guard or a Captain, but it seemed to me that if any one of Sanguinius progeny can fall victim to the black rage then he could be either.

Thanks go out to all of the members of the IBH who commented on the mini as it was a WIP, you kept me working on it instead of floating away to other things :yes:.




I might come back to him and add some freehand to his loincloth but everything else is finished ;).





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As requested, larger pictures:






hope those are a bit better :tu:





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Thanks Drudge Dreadnought. I think the colours came out so solid because every colour is straight out of the pot, except for the flesh tones on his face and the highlights for the black power armour they were mixed from multiple colours. I'm not sure though if this style of painting is in vogue anymore or if I should be tryig to blend more.


For the jump pack I used a technique that I borrowed from Brother Captain, but with colours modified to match what I had. It's nice and easy to do:


basecoat Space Wolves Grey

wash with Asurmen Blue

highlight with Space Wolves Grey

highlight with Skull White

glaze with watered down Asurmen Blue to tie everything together


I think if I remember right Brother Captain had used Astronomican Grey where I've used Space Wolves Grey.





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Wow, he looks amazing!


and there was me thinking your painting couldn't get much better... about a year ago when you were doing the Eagle Warrior..... now im even more jelous and really wish I kept painting rather then playing with my kids!


well done.

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Thanks for the comments guys;


@ Ompfris: wow, not heard from you in ages, how are you mate? Good to see you back around here :). I somehow manage to fit some painting or modelling into almost every evening once the kids have gone to bed, that's the only way I actually manage to finish things off. I've had a couple of mini sessions with my daughter (she's sat and painted with cheap watercolour paints while I've painted mini's) but she's got such a short attention span just now that it didn't last very long. If I'm really into a project, I take it to work so I can paint in my lunch break as well.

As far as improving goes, I think I've learned qute a lot over the last year, not least about how colours can work together and to work on projects I'm going to enjoy. I always find I produce better results when I'm painting something I want to paint :).


@ teku: the black is actually really easy to do, it can seem a little daunting, but after using it on a couple of mini's now I've found that as long as you keep the paint watered down you can layer it on really smoothly giving a nice natural progression of the highlights.


It goes a little something like this;

-Over a black undercoat layer on a 70/30 mix of Chaos Black and Hawk Turquoise to the areas of the mini that are hit by the most light.

-Then repeat with a 50/50 but concentrating more on the 'highlights'.

-The last layer is 30/70 Chaos Black Hawk Turquoise on the most prominant edges.

You could also add a really really fine edge highlight of Space Wolves Grey (I didn't on this guy) if you want really stark highlights and or add a wash of Badad Black (again I didn't on this guy as I like the blueness that his armour has) to tie all the layers together.


@ Dejay: Thanks mate. I think it's quite a noticable improvement as well. When I think back to the Knights Vermillion Chapter Master I posted (the first mini I posted on the board) I kinda cringe. One of the things I find though is that I come on here and see the things that people are working on and think, 'I want to do that' or 'I want to make one of them' so I try and do it. With some perseverance I'm starting to be able to do some of those things now. I wonder what I'll be able to do in another couple of years :)?





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I guess I will have to keep my eyes open for new bits from you!


as for me i'm just starting to paint my Space Hulk Terminators (otherwise the mrs might not get me a chriatmas present this year)


Maybe I can have a very messy painting sesh with the kids over the weekend so i can get some work done!

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Great work on this guy, I don't think I've ever heard of anyone doing black quite like this. Not with turquoise of all things, anyway. Just like everyone else, I'm curious as to one of your recipes, namely for the gold on your weapons. It has such a uniform finish that I can't even tell if it's actually metallic paint :D ,
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Thanks Mate. The gold was a combination of ideas from techniques I've used before. I can't remember the exact way I did it, but it was something like:


-Basecoat Brazen Brass (or mix Scorched Brown with Shining Gold if you don't have that as I think it's OOP now, grrr GW!)

-Layer on Dwarf Bronze

-Light Wash of Scorched Brown

-Extreme Edge Highlight of Shining Gold

-Light Wash of Scorched Brown

-Shade the recesses with watered down 1:1 mix of Scorched Brown and Chaos Black


The Scorched Brown washes aren't essential but they help tie the layers togther and add warmth to the gold :D


hope that helps



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