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Huron Blackheart


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Hi Folks,


I fancied a change from the Ultramarines for a bit and decided to paint up Huron Blackheart as I had the miniature from when it first came out in 2007 and hadn't got around to painting it.


I painted this model using advise from the September 2007 White Dwarf as there was a masterclass on this particular figure and I found it pretty helpful. Some of the suggestions in highlighting red were handy as I hadn't thought of using elf flesh to highlight red. I deviated slightly from the masterclass version by having some type of molten look to the powerclaw and axe.


I also used the Asurman Blue wash to deepen the red of the armour and used a green and purple wash on the gold areas instead of the standard Devlin Mud. Overall I'm fairly pleased with this one. The molten metal approach on the powerclaw and axe needs work so I may revisit this in the future.


What do you lot think?





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I really like this mini (apart from the Tyrants Claw) and you've certainly done it justice. I really like the deep almost dull red that you've gone for, it lends some age to the character that isn't present in the 'Eavy Metal painted one.


I like the molten effect you've used on his claws and axe blade as well , it adds some warmth to the whole piece as well as making him individual.


Great work :)



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The one thing about this model itself I don't like is the posing of the Tyrant's Claw. I swear it looks as if he's begging for spare change.

...and then blasting the person if he/she refuses to give him any change ;)


Jetfire: You've really done this model justice :tu: Great paintjob!



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Cheers guys for all the positive comments!


Tomevans; The gold was a 60-40 mix of Scorched Earth and Shining Gold. Once this was dry I added a couple of watered down layers of Shining Gold to get a good smooth finish. I then added a watered down mix of Devlan Mud over all the gold areas. When that had dried I added another layer in the deepest recesses. Finally I added a couple of watered down washes of Leviathan Purple and Thakra Green all over. The purple gives a nice aged effect whilst the green knocks back the tone of the gold a little and mutes the finish.


For highlights I chose Shining Gold with Silver and gradually had a stronger mix of silver for the very brightest spots.


Thanks again everyone - you've encouraged me to push on with my next figures. :D

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