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Im trying to decide on an army...its either red corsairs, black legion, night lords or iron warriors. If you could tell me why i should pick a particular legion that would be great.


my idea for a 1k list is-


dread with 2dccw, dp with wings and doombolt (i love the new model!), 2 vindicators, 2 squads of ten csm with 2 meltas, iocg, asp champ with powerfist, in rhinos.


thanks! :)

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it depends what floats your particular star vessal...


Iron Warriors - gritty, sour, determined, no nonsense and seige orientated, lots of vehicles and a cool bionic themes (warning stripes look cool to)

Night Lords - awesome lightning on their armour, quick and vicious, use alot of raptors and are pretty damn scary

Red Corsairs - the renegade feel, using squads of wolves or other chapters like you have taken in outcasts, red a black looks cool and you can talk like a pirate

Black legion - look good when doen individually but have a nasty habit of looking to common, no real theme but can incorperate pretty much all other legions.


i went for Iron Warriors, my second favourates are Night Lords. its important that you enjoy the feel and look of what your doing so without being to biased...





good luck finding your army :D



Edit - looking at your list it seems very iron warriors like, mechanised infantry and seige tanks... doesn't fit the night lords very well.

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thanks sword brethren! i quite like the IW fluff..but is a daemon prince a fluffy choice?


IW don't praise the dark gods all that much so i see what you mean but what the IW do is use what they can from the dark gods as a tool of warfare.


it is quite possible a lord becoming a prince because he wants to be better in combat which makes him willing to deal with chaos.


IW can use defilers with daemons in and im sure other possessed things, its just they use it as a tool of war rather than an unholy thing to praise.





as caboosebe said, read storm of iron, even if you decide against IW its a great book!

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I would actually approach this a little differently. You seem to already have a list you want to play. It looks like a pretty solid list. I would ask, which paint scheme you like the best. You will be the one painting all your guys, so you have to like painting those colors?


Do you like blue or red better? Black your thing? Do you have trouble with metallics? These are the questions I would focus on more.


From a fluff perspective, I think the best fit would be: Iron Warriors, Black Legion a close second, Red Corsairs a very distant third, Night Lords last.

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