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SW versus IG Valk/Veterans spam


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So finally got to try out my new list against IG last night, twice!


Quick list breakdowns:




Thunderlord, th/ss, fenrisian wolves x2

Rune Priest, chooser, MoR, Living Lightning, Tempest Wrath


Wolf Guard in TDA x5, drop pod


Grey Hunter x10, melta x2, MoW, Wolf Standard, powerfist, rhino

Grey Hunter x10, melta x2, MoW, Wolf Standard, powerfist, rhino

Grey Hunter x10, melta x2, MoW, Wolf Standard, powerfist, rhino


Fenrisian wolves x10


Long Fangs, ML x5, Pack Leader




7 Valks


Command Squad, Master of Fleet, and other special guy that affects reserve rolls.

6 Vet Squads, mix of melta and plasma


Game 1:


Game had 3 objectives. One on my far left, one in the middle, and one 12" away from the middle.


I was playing against a guy that is currently like 20-0 in the store league that I had stopped in for a game. He conceded to me on turn 2.


Basically, I Rhino rushed forward onto objectives and drop podded my termininators on a flank to march up and harass. My first turn of shooting with Long Fangs, Living Lightning, and WGTDA cyclone missile launcher resulted in 2 Valks down in his deployment zone, puting his Vets on what would then be a long bolter filled march towards objectives I was already holding.


His first turn killed two terminators and blew up a rhino.


My second turn had me drop another 2 Valks, in his deployment zone, putting more Vets on the ground that would have had to march through bolter fire to get an objective.


His second turn, he got desperate. He blasted flat out with two Valks, attempting to grav chute his vets out onto/nearby two objectives I was in control of. He scattered and lost both squads when he could not place his models. This is when he conceded.


Game 2:


The second game was with 2 objectives and Dawn of War. We drew this one at the end of turn 5. I had a rhino loaded with GH right by an objective, but lost track of what turn we were on so had not moved them onto it. Would have won me the game.


This game, he tossed everything into Reserve and chose to come in on outflank. This allowed me to pretty much move everything towards both objectives for two turns and allowed me to get into cover/pop smoke for all of his stuff coming in.


His first turn of shooting stunned a rhino and blew one up putting a GH squad in the crater.


I finally get to open up with some firepower now that I actually have targets. My shooting drops 2 Valks again in his deployment zone again putting Vets on the ground away from objectives in the face of my fire power. In assault, one of my GH squads wipes out two Vet squads that had outflanked in my deployment zone via Valks.


Next couple of turns had me dropping more Valks in places that he wished I hadn't because it was putting his troops and his command squad on the ground and facing my firepower that had now moved up and was trapping him in his deployment zone.


As mentioned, the gamed ended on a roll at turn 5. At that point I was poised to assault his command squad and a vet squad with my WGTDA in the mddle of his deployment zone. On the left side in his deployment zone, I was poised to assault what remained of two Vet squads with my Thunderlord and wolves and a full Grey Hunter squad. Silly me forgetting which turn I was on and not moving a GH squad in rhino the 6" needed to be on the objecive in case the roll ended the game.


Afterwards we discussed tactics and our respective army lists. He explained that his was a alpha strike list completely. Higly dependent on mission and deployment for a big scout move to get into an enemies deployment zone an then lay waste on first turn with deployed Vet squads with supporting fire from Valks. Turns out Tempest Wrath and aggressive in your rushing playstyle wrecked havoc with his lists tactics. I think what happened for both games was that I forced him to be reactive versus active. From the beginning, my game plan was screwing with his game plan each turn and roll of the dice.

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Missile launchers did great against the Valks and had I needed, they would have then torn up the Veteran units. I was pleasantly suprised to see Living Lightning come in and down one Valk during the games, but also caused several stunned/shaken results as well that stopped some of his shooting.


Funny highlight that I forgot to mention. My 5 WGTDA were in some ruins/cover in his deployment zone and got hosed down by 4 flamers. He had perfect position and dealt the full 20 wounds to them. 20 rolls later, 5 WGTDA still standing.

One thing about his list is dropping his Valks in places that he really doesn't want to have his Veterans footslogging. Especially in the case of having to footslog into Space Wolves in cover, in Rhinos, or against a Thunderlord and Fenrisian wolves. His alpha strike tactics are wholly to dependent on circumstance versus being able to effectively react when said circumstances do not arise.


Another thing to point out;


I usually run a dual Thunderlord list but have dropped him. As was mentioned in another post of mine, they were always drawing mass amounts of fire. By adding the drop podding WG TDA, I have done what I had intended. They did not draw any fire at all making their way across the board with the WG TDA popping in and raising a ruckus anywhere on the board, especially in places that my opponent did not want them.

Still, three squadrons of vehicles as the backbone in your army kind of sucks... AV 12 isnt bad, but dead on a 4+, 3+ vs melta, is just plain fragile.


Im glad you did well Ramses, this ones on me. *hands Ramses an ale*

I wanted to run a heavy infantry unit that I could place anywhere on the table on first turn and raise hell. They do just that perfectly.


In addition, I am using them as a threat multiplier. The percieved threat of them alone caused them to garner more attention then my entire army and they have the armor to survive that attention.

Pelts for the pelt lord!


Problem with his list was that he had too few armour. You always had a fairly obivous choice to blast his flyers, then his boys. Sadly veterans just don't have the fighting power to hold a candle to Grey Hunters after that. All your stuff in your list basically threatened him. Best he could of done was blast the long fangs, then the rhinos, then the hunters and basically try and deny you shots. Though Rhinos, Termies and Fangs all make it pretty much impossible. Cracking show. ^^


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