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Night Lords Questions


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Yup, there's even some fluff about it in the entry for the Power Mace: "Power maces were later developed into the Crozius Arcanum used by Space Marine Chaplains and Thunder Hammers used by Space Marine Captains." 2E Codex Chaos, p.75


However, Thunder Hammers were available to Chaos Dreadnoughts: "The Dreadnought-mounted Thunder Hammer works in exactly the same way as the Thunder Hammers carried by Imperial Terminators. It is a testimony to the march of Imperial technology that Thunder Hammers have been reduced to a size which can be carried by a Space Marine, albeit a Terminator-armoured one." 2E Codex Chaos, p.79


It's also worth mentioning that it was possible to "buy" equipment from Codex Ultramarines to represent recent renegades like the Red Corsairs.


Or maybe the source you remember was from the Realms of Chaos books - back in 1st edition, the CSM army list was a lot closer to the loyalist one.

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