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Necrons and Marines...


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My friedn and a play 40k a lot but he's working on his Necron army; but never once has he been able to beat me unless my other friend is going after me at the same time. (he's ultimately better) In play as Space Marines and Chaos Marines but this doesnt seem to be a fair fight. He always has problems with either my Terminators or Bezerkers btu usually my Chaplain. What I wanna know is there a good strategy for necrons against marines? I've looked at their units and none seem particularily suitable for the task at hand....
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My friedn and a play 40k a lot but he's working on his Necron army; but never once has he been able to beat me unless my other friend is going after me at the same time. (he's ultimately better) In play as Space Marines and Chaos Marines but this doesnt seem to be a fair fight. He always has problems with either my Terminators or Bezerkers btu usually my Chaplain. What I wanna know is there a good strategy for necrons against marines? I've looked at their units and none seem particularily suitable for the task at hand....


What I would like to say is that Necs had a bad rep for being a 'noob' army no skill to play em and no skill to paint them... while I never thought this was the case the change in rules has hit the necs hard... combat can destroy them now... and even their 'elite' combat units are not very good as they do not use the necron special rule, cost a load and have neither the staying power or the speed/ volume of attacks required to make them dangerous...


Now I think Necrons are hard to play... I've seen a few Nec armies tabled in 1 turn and I mean actually tabled not just in a position that they can no longer win... A number of different lists exists and I'm sure they all have their merits... but I'll make a few points...


Numbers... the more models with the necron rule he has the harder it is for you to phase him out...

Big scary things... C'tan/Monolith... Reduces the number of necs you have which is bad but if used right can cause big problems for the enemy Monoliths are very dangerous in current meta due to the over reliance on Melta-weapons...

Destroyers.... Fast... shooty... and necron... I love destroyer wing... but that is that...


You then ahve other Units Tomb spiders... (for certain builds not bad), Immortals... (super warriors), Pariahs and flayed ones (I do not rate either of them in most cases but others disagree)... oh and Scarabs are great for tying things up and causing trouble... wraiths aint rubbish but I love those scarabs...


point for point necs have a greater abillity to stay in the battle compated to a normal space marine... and this is what he wants to focus on... whiel most armies want that alpha strike if they can necrons want to beat you down in attrition, if he can survive for long enough he can get you to a stage where you won't likely beat him but that is the tricky part. Obviously things like Orbs and cover can help him with that also using Monoliths (if he uses any) to help res warriors and to draw you out of line, rescue warriors from combat and then shoot you will help, same with things like the night shroud... it can be very frustrating when you can't keep in combat with the necrons and for them to just appear on the other side of the board where your CC troops have to slog all the way back... Basically if he wants to win he wants to focus on staying alive (How he can do this depends on what build he takes) and then using tricks to mess up your plan, take out your damage dealing units (Vindicators, plasma cannons are pretty scary as far as shooting goes and good CC units especially those that can dish a large number of PW attacks)... this can be by destroying them or distracting them... your vindicator might destroy his monolith but if it takes half the game trying to do that he may have kept his warrior alive for long enough... the same goes with his C'tan... killing your chappy won't make its points back but if it ties him up (or kills him) for a while saving 20-40 warriors then he will have made his points... on the same not if he isn't taking big things 120 rapid firing warriors can hurt and with res-orbs in the middle they can keep getting up.


Basically he should find a necron forum talk to people about different builds and sneaky tactics get some ideas in his head and then start trying them out. If he is still trying to get to grips with his army consider playing on after you have 'phased him out' so he gets a bit more experiance and see how well he is doing, if you phase him out with 1 model left he is obviously doing better than if you did it with half of your forces left.

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Well given initiative 2, it's a joke to sweeping advance squads of warriors off the table, denying them even the slightest glimmer of a chance at WBB. I actually had a great deal of trouble with a good friend's necrons before I figured this out(outshooting necrons is a bit silly, even with marine plasmaspam). Even a humble tactical squad(w/SCCW) outfights a warrior squad, and warriors are generally taken in small blocks of 10, easily defeated. Having a single tac squad neutralize half your opponents troops in one round of combat is no joke.

Chaos marines already play in the perfect style with the right tools to wipe necrons off the board easily.


Lords w/warscythe are one of the best things they bring to the table(lord w/orb and warscythe can dispatch our ICs fairly easy and tie up combats), next to destroyers(best bike units in the game IMO). Immortals get honorable mention just for how ludicrous it is to play against them in killteam(seriously).


Probably the most competitive build for current necrons is destroyer wing. Warriors in reserve, and lots of fast, scary, T5(not 4(5)!)jetbikers on the table.

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