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Word Bearer Fluff vs Army List Construction

Brother Dakath

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So I have begun to start collecting Word Bearers again, I only have a few models so far because my budget sucks at the moment. So I want to build a general list and then buy models according to the list, thus making sure what I buy is what I need. Here in lies the problem....


Now from the fluff I know, Word Bearer units would only go to battle with Icon of Chaos Glory, seeing as how they worship Chaos Undivided and don't specifically subject themselves to fall into "cult" units such as Berserkers or Plague marines. Would it be against the fluff to take, say a unit of Chaos Marines with the Icon of Khorne and not fully submit themselves to Khorne's path? The thought can go two ways on this as I'll explain below....


Now, coming from the 3.5 Edition Codex is states that Word Bearers would often go into the field with odd army compositions (i.e. excluding armored support), due to the visions and prescience of the Dark Apostle. Couldn't one unit say be told that they would honor Khorne this battle and then the next battle the Dark Apostle receives visions telling him that they might need Nurgle or Slaanesh's blessing? There is some fluff to support this (see the Dark Apostle series) but mainstream fluff dictates that they will never honor just one Chaos god.


Brothers, I am unsure how to proceed. On one hand there is the core fluff of just Chaos Undivided that has been set and makes if flavorful, on the other hand it seems that I might be putting myself at a disadvantage in game play by not using all the codex offers.


Any opinions and help would be appreciated.

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In the Dark Apostle series, the Dark Apostle has a squad in his host led by Khalaxis, a warrior who strays closer to Khorne than anything else. The Dark Apostle turns a blind eye to this, as Khalaxis and his blood thirsty squad make excellent shock troops. So, fluff wise, I'd say go for it, just don't go overboard.
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Please, include all flavour you want! That's what you should do!


It's a misunderstanding that the WB should not have god-specific marks and icons.


In this thread I explain why.


Good post mate!


I am sort of in the same boat. My main army is the Alpha Legion (a "head" that has really fallen), that supposedly do not really have much of anything. However, I play CSM and don't really want to make a new army just because the fluff may not fit 100%. I agree that you should use the codex to its fullest and not limit yourself.


What I do is have a main force that are strictly AL and I paint everything AL colours all the way, but that won't stop me from fielding Daemon Princes or even Khorne Berzerkers.. 100% fluffy? Maybe not, but restricting yourself to just using parts of the codex is imo just .. meh.

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Please, include all flavour you want! That's what you should do!


It's a misunderstanding that the WB should not have god-specific marks and icons.


In this thread I explain why.


Good post mate!


I am sort of in the same boat. My main army is the Alpha Legion (a "head" that has really fallen), that supposedly do not really have much of anything. However, I play CSM and don't really want to make a new army just because the fluff may not fit 100%. I agree that you should use the codex to its fullest and not limit yourself.


What I do is have a main force that are strictly AL and I paint everything AL colours all the way, but that won't stop me from fielding Daemon Princes or even Khorne Berzerkers.. 100% fluffy? Maybe not, but restricting yourself to just using parts of the codex is imo just .. meh.


Alright, but what I argue is that it is exactly "100 % fluffy"for a word bearers player to include marks and icons. With Alpha Legion I cannot help you unfortunately, since it's not my field.

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Please, include all flavour you want! That's what you should do!


It's a misunderstanding that the WB should not have god-specific marks and icons.


In this thread I explain why.


Good post mate!


I am sort of in the same boat. My main army is the Alpha Legion (a "head" that has really fallen), that supposedly do not really have much of anything. However, I play CSM and don't really want to make a new army just because the fluff may not fit 100%. I agree that you should use the codex to its fullest and not limit yourself.


What I do is have a main force that are strictly AL and I paint everything AL colours all the way, but that won't stop me from fielding Daemon Princes or even Khorne Berzerkers.. 100% fluffy? Maybe not, but restricting yourself to just using parts of the codex is imo just .. meh.


Alright, but what I argue is that it is exactly "100 % fluffy"for a word bearers player to include marks and icons. With Alpha Legion I cannot help you unfortunately, since it's not my field.


Yes, sorry, my post is rather poorly written I see now. I guess I was more trying to direct my response to the OP rather than your specific post and it got kind of mixed up in there. I wanted to say it was a well written post and then really as a separate section talk to the OP about limiting yourself with options.. :D

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