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Adeptus Newbus


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'ello, everyone. Came aross this site a week or two ago and have been poking about since. I decided to pull the trigger and join, so..Hi.


Currently, I only possess a small Tyranid force (Yes, I know, burn the Xenos scum.), but I fully i ntend to begin collecting a Space Marine force as soon as I next walk into a store that sells them. The first two books in the Horus Heresy has made me see the Space Marines in a new light, as I've never actually read any fluff from their point of view. It was illuminating.


Anyway. I live in Ireland, more specifically Leitrim, and will be going to Southwest College in Enniskillen, starting the 20th. I currently know of no other GW fans anywhere near me, a fact which has left me deeply saddened and starving for a game. Would you believe I've never deployed a model? No foes makes for no battles, alas. I hope that'll change soon.


Glad to be aboard, fellow Astartes, and I hope I don't get under your skin too much.

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'ello, everyone. Came aross this site a week or two ago and have been poking about since. I decided to pull the trigger and join, so..Hi.


Currently, I only possess a small Tyranid force (Yes, I know, burn the Xenos scum.), but I fully i ntend to begin collecting a Space Marine force as soon as I next walk into a store that sells them. The first two books in the Horus Heresy has made me see the Space Marines in a new light, as I've never actually read any fluff from their point of view. It was illuminating.


Anyway. I live in Ireland, more specifically Leitrim, and will be going to Southwest College in Enniskillen, starting the 20th. I currently know of no other GW fans anywhere near me, a fact which has left me deeply saddened and starving for a game. Would you believe I've never deployed a model? No foes makes for no battles, alas. I hope that'll change soon.


Glad to be aboard, fellow Astartes, and I hope I don't get under your skin too much.



Welcome, brother, to the B&C! Don't worry, many of us have never played a game of 40k.


Out of curiosity, what chapter do you intend to play?

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Thankya, Argon!

I intend to build up my own Chapter, complete with backstory, characters and so on. I have the colour scheme and the basics sorted out in my head, but I have yet to come up with a name.


I'd prefer to go for an assault heavy army. Plenty of close combat, maybe backed up by a Dreadnought or two. Advice would certainly be welcome, if you have any to give.


County Leitrim, myself. Lived here for the past ten years, though my family hails from Donegal originally. Going to college in Enniskillen, as I already mentioned, shortly. Are you Irish, yourself, Chapter Master?

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