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red corsairs daemon prince?

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well according to the Fluff there is no actual evidence that the Red Corsairs actually worship the Chaos Gods, it just said that they are a traitor Legion that cheated the Imperium or something like that and started the Badab war. So they retreated into the Maelstrom after being defeated by the Imperium (Hooray for Loyalists :D) were they became the Red Corsairs. However there rebellion could have been due to the Chaos Gods corrupting there minds or something. So a demon Prince dosen't seem that likely. However I am rather shackey on the fluff and not exactly reliable :)
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Huron is there master so if you look at it like that there is none...




Since I see Huron as a sort of mini Abaddon and since there are Black Legionaire Princes Im thinking why cant this be in the Red Corsairs.

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Fulffwise there would be no Daemon Princes as the Astral Claws (who because the Red Corsairs) only rebelled a few centuries ago.


Not really enough time for a Marine to make a name for himself and carry out the atrocities needed to archive Daemonhood. Especially since the Red Corsairs are only doing the pirate stuff and nothing more gung ho than that.



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Fulffwise there would be no Daemon Princes as the Astral Claws (who because the Red Corsairs) only rebelled a few centuries ago.


Not really enough time for a Marine to make a name for himself and carry out the atrocities needed to archive Daemonhood. Especially since the Red Corsairs are only doing the pirate stuff and nothing more gung ho than that.



I don´t agree about the time. Think about Deacon Mamon. He archieved daemonhood in a few years.

But the other thing is that there would be no DP cause Huron would not allow a rival to rise.

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well according to the Fluff there is no actual evidence that the Red Corsairs actually worship the Chaos Gods, it just said that they are a traitor Legion that cheated the Imperium or something like that and started the Badab war.


I thought there was a line that said that Huron pledged his soul (and I assume the rest of his men's) to the dark gods for power etc etc.


Here it is, its from wh40k Lexicanum, so take it for what you will


The Red Corsairs fight primarily as an expression of their twisted faith. In order to save what was left of his chapter and his hideously wounded body, Lufgt Huron made a terrible pact with the Ruinous Powers, pledging eternal service in return for the blessings and patronage of Chaos. With limited numbers at their disposal, the Red Corsairs spent much of their time as space pirates, but also launch brutal raids on Imperial shipping and outposts. These raids are not for plundering, but for the sheer pleasure of raiding the areas that they once swore to protect.
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I imagine that selling your soul to the Ruinous Powers is a lot different than worshipping them.


Very true, I was just pointing out that the Red Corsairs have at least a token relationship with Chaos.


Thanks TDA, it sounded familar but I couldn't place it. Too bad I sold my old codex, it would be nice to review sometimes.

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I had the same question and got the same answer and i had a deamon prince model waiting to do nothing so what i came to the conclusion of was that he had made a pact with the deamon prince for that specific campaign and just add some units with the same patronage to make it fluffy or just use the model as a greater deamon summon
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Fluffwise no DP is ever mentioned in connection with the Red Corsairs. However, this does not preclude the possibility. Ascending to daemonhood is not something that can be predicted most of the time. You gain more and more gifts and power, and if the chaos gods feel like it you get to ascend. It can take thousands of years or only tens, and the examples of feats undertaken to become a DP often vary widely in relative difficulty. It is hard to predict exactly what might tip you over the edge.

Personally, I'm a bit surprised that Huron has not become one. The reason could likely be that he only has a relationship of convenience with chaos and is not invested enough in their worship to get that kind of attention. This does not mean that a former astral claw elsewhere could not / did not ascend.


Perhaps the new Imperial Armour book coming out about the Badab war will clarify things a bit. If it being unlikely that a DP would exist within the Red Corsairs is enough to make you not want to play them, check out the Claws of Lorek. They are probably a splinter group from the main Red Corsairs warband.

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I imagine that selling your soul to the Ruinous Powers is a lot different than worshipping them.


Very true, I was just pointing out that the Red Corsairs have at least a token relationship with Chaos.



I agree--one of the short stories in Into the Maelstrom (I forget the name) involves the Red Corsairs, and it's clear that at least some of them openly worship the Chaos gods (there's a Khornate fighting pit or something), and that this is considered fine.

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It's worth noting that in The Chapter's Due, Honsou and his company of Iron Warriors are stated to have joined the Red Corsairs for a time, won some warbands and assorted riff-raff from them, then split off. Included in this is a Slaanesh sword cult.


The novel is loyalist drivel *hurredly covers aquila tattoo*, but it's worth the read for little snippets of info.

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