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black templars venerable drednought


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The good bits: Excellent painting over all. The banner is particularly nice, and I like the scratched up shoulder guard thingy. The base is pretty sweet as well. While i like the white, I think it could stand to be shaded a bit darker and dirtied up a bit, like the white squares on the tile floor. Considering he's already been damaged by something with some pretty big claws, it's odd to see the rest so pristine.


The confusing bits: That yellow shield on his leg seems kind of mismatched to the rest of it. Also, why no scripture on the scrolls?


The not so good bits: A line from Rorschach, if i may- "MY FACE! GIVE ME BACK MY FAAAACE!"


Just my humble opinion, of course :D

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I love the banner. But I must be honest and say that Im not so fond about the "Ghost-in-the-shell"-looking helm. Im not saying that its bad in anyway Im just saying that I wouldnt do it.

Other than that, great job! Im looking forward to see more free-hand and such from you. You got a real talent there.

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