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60-70+ marines in a list...

Rumour Control

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Hi, I have a 1750pt tournament coming up at the end of october and was wondering on how a 60-70+ marine list would work.


I have half a company finished and the other half stuck together and really wanna get the rest of it done but i need an incentive/deadline to get me to fully finish anything properly, this is why im thinking of taking it to the tournament. Also im hoping to start playing alot more apocalypse games soon and it would be a dream come true to be able to play with a full, fully painted company.


It may not be the most competitive of lists but it would look cool all set up on the table top and the thought of all those bolters rapid firing sounds great.


Obviously you cant fit a full company in but most of one. I was thinking of all 6 tactical squads with rhinos or razorbacks one assault and one devastator squad would be about there and maybe a chaplain leading them, id like the captain obviously but with a BP/CCW i cant see him contributing much.


What do you think?


Many thanks.

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I think its very viable but I would try to broaden the scope past the 1/2 Company. This way you could include some of the stronger units like Sternguard instead of just Tacs/Assault/Devs.


That being said, make sure you give each of your squads anti-tank weapons, the current metagame is VERY armor heavy and frankly you don't need to worry about anti-infantry with 50+ Bolters on the table.


Librarians seem almost mandatory with all the psychic powers these days, but you have some flexibility where you put them. I might consider 2 Assault Squads, one lead by the Chaplain and the other by the Librarian, since there isn't a cheap alternative escort squad for your HQs because you're not going with Terminators.

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1750 Pts - Space Wolves Roster


Rune Priest @ 100 pts (Power Armor; Bolt Pistol x1; Runic Weapon x1; Living Lightning; Tempest's Wrath)


Grey Hunters Pack @ 200 pts (Wolf Standard; Bolt Pistol x8; Bolter x6; Close Combat Weapon x8; Flamer x2)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Close Combat Weapon x1)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Power Fist (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Power Fist x1)


Grey Hunters Pack @ 200 pts (Wolf Standard; Bolt Pistol x8; Bolter x6; Close Combat Weapon x8; Flamer x2)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Close Combat Weapon x1)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Power Fist (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Power Fist x1


Grey Hunters Pack @ 200 pts (Wolf Standard; Bolt Pistol x8; Bolter x6; Close Combat Weapon x8; Flamer x2)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Close Combat Weapon x1)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Power Fist (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Power Fist x1


Grey Hunters Pack @ 205 pts (Wolf Standard; Bolt Pistol x8; Bolter x6; Close Combat Weapon x8; Melta-Gun x2)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Close Combat Weapon x1)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Power Fist (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Power Fist x1



Grey Hunters Pack @ 205 pts (Wolf Standard; Bolt Pistol x8; Bolter x6; Close Combat Weapon x8; Melta-Gun x2)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Close Combat Weapon x1)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Power Fist (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Power Fist x1


Grey Hunters Pack @ 205 pts (Wolf Standard; Bolt Pistol x8; Bolter x6; Close Combat Weapon x8; Melta-Gun x2)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Close Combat Weapon x1)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Power Fist (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Power Fist x1


Wolf Guard Pack @ 291 pts

-6x Wolf Guard in Power Armor (Bolt Pistol x6; Power Fist x6) {Each with one Grey Hunter Pack}

-1x Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor (Power Weapon x1; Storm Bolter x1; Cyclone Missile Launcher x1) {With Long Fangs}


Long Fangs Pack @ 140 pts (Close Combat Weapon x5; Missile Launcher x5)

-1x Squad Leader (Bolt Pistol x1; Close Combat Weapon x1)


Total Roster Cost: 1746


1750 Pts - Space Wolves Roster


Total Model Count 74

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I have been contemplating something similar for my 5th Company force for 2,000 points. With a RB/SS Captain, a decked out Command Squad with Razor, and 5 Tactical and 1 Devastator squads with Rhinos.


As minigun762 mentioned, the one major problem you might face is armor. In my force, all units (save the Razorback, as it is the only vehicle without a H-K) can at least glance AV 14 in some way, and none of the Tacticals have a heavy or special weapon weaker than a Plasma Gun.


I think that it would be competative, if it is built and played right. I wish you luck, and may your Ultramarines bring glory to you and the Chapter.

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I have about 3000 points of dismounted space wolves. at 2200 points I have 2 scout squads, 4 grey hunter squads, 1 blood claw squad, and 3 squads of long fangs and an HQ. Armour has really not been a problem, some of my most competitive and repetitive opponents are Mech/Tank Guard players. The trick to lots of bodies and little transport is to be off balancing. To get in where the enemy cant do what they are efective at. oh...btw Krak Grenades kill tanks
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It's viable, but you'll be relying heavily on AV11 vehicles to move you across the board, which is tough. You might want to empty some of those Rhinos, and use them as a mobile screen for the rest of your transports for a turn or two.


Killpoint missions will be tough for you against any non-mechanized opponent. You'll likely give up plenty of KPS from all the transports you'll be fielding, and tactical squads have a hard time taking things down alone. You'll want to double or triple-team enemy units with your squads to wipe them out reliably. If facing a mechanized opponent, your first turn will be VERY brief, with only salvos of heavy weapons fire to open up some armor and provide you with targets for the follow-on turns.


Capture and Control will hinge on objective placement and application of overwhelming bolter fire. You do have the luxury of combat squadding here, so you can make a nice little mini-gunline on your objective, and send all your special weapns and sergeants forward to hit the enemy objective. Just remember that you left half your bolters on the backline.


Seize Ground is where things get hairy. Pray for a low-objective game, and an opponent that isn't too fast (Mechdar, any form of biker list, skimmers, etc). You're goign to have a hard time grabbing enough objectives and holding them, even with 6 tac squads. Single squads in Rhinos are easy to pick off, or cripple, so you're going to want to field them in mutually-supporting pairs. One gets to be the whipping-boy, and the other the hero. If you manage to get to an objective first, dig in and hold on. 20 Marines are hard to eliminate from an objective with shooting alone, and can at least hold on in close combat in the latter stages of the game to keep the objective contested. A cheap Chaplain can all but ensure you won't be swept off that deep-set objective on the final turn.

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I haven't fielded this kind of list, but I have fought against a few people who did. I was honestly not very impressed. They suffered from a huge lack of mobility since I was able to destroy their rhinos rather easily, and the marines were not able to destroy any of my armor. They basically relied on their devastator squads to take down armor via lascannons, but since I targeted them first, nothing much was left that could quickly destroy armored targets.


Granted, I use a very extreme version of the dreadnought spam (5 venerables, a raider, and 3 speeders), but any good list should be prepared to fight such extreme examples.


This is just an extrapolation on my part, but I think a straight battle company will do all right in most casual games. It'll simply be those oddball lists that come out and wipe your marines out. That and IG opponents... Colossus Cannons love targeting tactical squads in cover...

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1750 Pts - Space Wolves Roster


Rune Priest @ 100 pts (Power Armor; Bolt Pistol x1; Runic Weapon x1; Living Lightning; Tempest's Wrath)


Grey Hunters Pack @ 200 pts (Wolf Standard; Bolt Pistol x8; Bolter x6; Close Combat Weapon x8; Flamer x2)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Close Combat Weapon x1)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Power Fist (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Power Fist x1)


Grey Hunters Pack @ 200 pts (Wolf Standard; Bolt Pistol x8; Bolter x6; Close Combat Weapon x8; Flamer x2)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Close Combat Weapon x1)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Power Fist (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Power Fist x1


Grey Hunters Pack @ 200 pts (Wolf Standard; Bolt Pistol x8; Bolter x6; Close Combat Weapon x8; Flamer x2)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Close Combat Weapon x1)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Power Fist (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Power Fist x1


Grey Hunters Pack @ 205 pts (Wolf Standard; Bolt Pistol x8; Bolter x6; Close Combat Weapon x8; Melta-Gun x2)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Close Combat Weapon x1)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Power Fist (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Power Fist x1



Grey Hunters Pack @ 205 pts (Wolf Standard; Bolt Pistol x8; Bolter x6; Close Combat Weapon x8; Melta-Gun x2)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Close Combat Weapon x1)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Power Fist (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Power Fist x1


Grey Hunters Pack @ 205 pts (Wolf Standard; Bolt Pistol x8; Bolter x6; Close Combat Weapon x8; Melta-Gun x2)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Close Combat Weapon x1)

-1x Grey Hunter w/ Power Fist (Bolt Pistol x1; Bolter x1; Power Fist x1


Wolf Guard Pack @ 291 pts

-6x Wolf Guard in Power Armor (Bolt Pistol x6; Power Fist x6) {Each with one Grey Hunter Pack}

-1x Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor (Power Weapon x1; Storm Bolter x1; Cyclone Missile Launcher x1) {With Long Fangs}


Long Fangs Pack @ 140 pts (Close Combat Weapon x5; Missile Launcher x5)

-1x Squad Leader (Bolt Pistol x1; Close Combat Weapon x1)


Total Roster Cost: 1746


1750 Pts - Space Wolves Roster


Total Model Count 74


I could almost run this list myself, though I am hurting on melta guns. I wish they were either cheaper or easier to find.

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Once upon a time, I could do this with Grey Knights... *bows head in shame*


I started a brag thread about what I can field...


But I killed it on the basis that all it proves is that I have more disposable income and time invested in the hobby than most. And that's not what I want to be known for. :D


I think I bear the greater shame.

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