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Grey knights and their awesome ability of boringness


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paintings fine. i'd just recomend some shading. like wash the gold with waterd down devlan mud.


I've seem that chaplain/GM kinda ting before and I've gotta say it intrigues me.

It isn't "epic" enough to be my grand master though (kinda already got the chaplain in termy armour in my SM army....would kinda look dodgy having it in both)

Yeah, those were actually the first models I ever really painted. My lack of knowledge back when I started painting really shows in these models. Lots of solid colors. No shading / highlighting / blending / weathering - and underusing my washes.


My more recent marine project looks much nicer. :cuss

  • 2 weeks later...

i have done some more work to my grey knights...

im nto upto writing it all out again mind


so just clik here for the WIP thread or here for the GK blog


enjoy :)



oh and if your interested i also updated my deathwatch WIP thread and Blog




so anyone else working on anything or seen some awesome grey knights....or other inquisition models in general?

  DarKHaZZ13 said:
  melvinmcsnatch said:


*round of applause*

I can't belive you took the time out of your day to comment on my grammer. Thank you for being useless and annoying.


Anyone got anything usefull to add?

Grammar? :)

  SoulReaver296 said:


Golden Demon Entry (found on GW's website)

Is that Grey Knight on a hunger-strike? He looks so malnutritioned and hagged.


You can imagine the artists' inteneded message: 'We're all living in harsh times, even the Grey Knights have had to take big, budget cuts. Take it out on your local administratum prefectus...'

  DarKHaZZ13 said:
...when you have more than a squad of them they look like, well.

put it this way....its like having an army made of AOBR marines.



The best solution is to run no more than one squad of marines, as there are other options available in the codex - this makes your marines look special instead of being just silver marines :cuss

  The Holy Heretic said:
  DarKHaZZ13 said:
...when you have more than a squad of them they look like, well.

put it this way....its like having an army made of AOBR marines.



The best solution is to run no more than one squad of marines, as there are other options available in the codex - this makes your marines look special instead of being just silver marines :D


if you are running a pure GK army this wouldn't be possible

and if you're not, well, lets just say I would never put the future of the imperium in the hands of the imperial guard. lol

i don't.

from a modleing point of view a guardsman is just a human, and therefore it is quite limited on how you can interprate that via model form, where as space marines are genetically engineered superhuman giants in power amrour. more intresting to model in my opinion as far more can be achived


and as to the 'colour coded space boiz in PA' comment. what? as apposed to a larger bunch of colour coded ignorant mortals running round wiht lazer pens and paper armour?


Space marines don't have time for 'cannon fodder' and therefore their 'morals' (if you can call them that) are far more akin to the modern day army motto 'never leave a man behind' which gives them far more resepctability than the imperial grunts.



this is a discussion prodominatly focused on the Grey Knight models and possible aleternaitves/conversions, the Guard have no importance here or in this forum in general. After all it is a PA forum.

  DarKHaZZ13 said:
i don't.

from a modleing point of view a guardsman is just a human, and therefore it is quite limited on how you can interprate that via model form, where as space marines are genetically engineered superhuman giants in power amrour. more intresting to model in my opinion as far more can be achived


Sure, everyones entitled to their opinion. I personally like how the inquisition is a good mix of power armour and softer guards. It makes for a diverse army.


  DarKHaZZ13 said:
and as to the 'colour coded space boiz in PA' comment. what? as apposed to a larger bunch of colour coded ignorant mortals running round wiht lazer pens and paper armour?


Again, mix and match for diversity. Adding one thing doesn't exclude the other.


  DarKHaZZ13 said:
Space marines don't have time for 'cannon fodder' and therefore their 'morals' (if you can call them that) are far more akin to the modern day army motto 'never leave a man behind' which gives them far more resepctability than the imperial grunts.


But the 40K universe is far from 'modern', its a feudal society based on superstition and ignorance. The marines are a bunch of fanatical zealots and fascists, hardly 'respectable' in my view. Fearsome perhaps, but that doesn't make them more than just a bunch of thugs.


  DarKHaZZ13 said:

this is a discussion prodominatly focused on the Grey Knight models and possible aleternaitves/conversions, the Guard have no importance here or in this forum in general. After all it is a PA forum.


Its a thread about lack of variety. And this part of the forum is dedicated to the Inquisition, which has a lot more options than just silvery space boiz.

well its a thread about the lack of variety in grey knights models. I would know, as i started the thread, and in my eyes, the guard have no importance when discussing the repetativeness of the grey knights model range.


so please can we just keep this focused on the grey knights? as in those silvery space boiz?


those vibro glaives are amazing!!! and the grey knights can be converted from other marine ranges quite easily. their was one in a white dwarf(can't remember which one) where they use the dark angels robed models and attached some of the termie arms and then attached some bitz for a rather interesting looking model.
their was one in a white dwarf(can't remember which one) where they use the dark angels robed models and attached some of the termie arms and then attached some bitz for a rather interesting looking model.


Sounds like what I was doing!


If anyone's got that and can show us a pic of it, I'd love to check out what GW were making there. :D

I'm at uni so i can't check my WD collection and I can't find any pictures/references online. however the B&C's WD list has a list of previous WD issue and 326 has an article called "Modeling Workshop: The Emperor's Finest, using Dark Angel bitz" which im assuming is where it would be.
  • 1 month later...

Here are some pictures of my grey knights and grey knight terminators.


The terminators were made from a the AOBR terminators. The grey knights are based on the sanguinary guard bodies with conversions for the storm bolter and NFW.














One before painting



  • 4 weeks later...

Wow I only just saw these. They are pretty mint, they look familiar...have you got these posted over at warseer or HH?


Either way, they are stunning.

I think you're paint job has just givin me inspiration to do just grey...except probably darker...

To the painting desk!


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