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LatD tie-in Question

Nuclear Fridge

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I’m revisiting my Iron Warriors army and I want to add a few allied squads to it (painting all that Chainmail/ Boltgun Metal can get boring after a while). World Eaters are a given candidate, but I’ve been considering something a little offbeat…


I was thinking of either a Word Bearers or an Alpha Legion squad. Basically, I want my IW army to tie in with my old Eye of Terror Mutant Horde – with a few CSM Aspiring Champions to head up the mobs of downtrodden mutants. (I’m looking towards an Apocalypse-level force). The Champions won’t be IW models, they will be drawn from the Word Bearers or Alpha Legion.


So, which one is more appropriate for this? Word Bearers have all the psychotic zeal and demagoguery, while the Alpha Legion have the infiltration and subversion going for them. Any thoughts from the denizens of the Warp?

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I guess it depends on what sort of mutants and cultist you are running.

If they are a fanatic rabble mixed with abhumans and stuff not too well trained or armed but numerous Id go for Word Bearers. Alpha Legion tends to have trained cultist with specialist equipment whereas Word Bearers use cannon fodder fluff wise. I guess it depends how you see them but personally Id go for Word Bearers.

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They're a fanatic rabble. Any sort of semi-trained squads or vehicle support is a long way off in the future! My priority right now is the guys in power armour. Word Bearers... hmm... I haven't tried painting any up before, so any thoughts on colour scheme? Or is it just Red Gore/Chainmail?
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