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Word Bearers Daemon Prince


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There seemed to be some appreciation for the Word Bearers Apostle I converted and painted, and posting pictures as I went functioned as a nice motivational boost for me. I planned, therefor, to continue the habit with my next figure. By the time I started feeling about finished with him, the plastic DP had been released, too. Unfortunately, between extended periods without internet access and the hassles associated with moving, I wasn't able to maintain a log for painting my Daemon Prince.

Until now, anyway... better late than never, right? Here are some shots of where I'm at with him. From this point forth, I'll do my best to cover the process.

Gaze ye upon Kol Jainin the Hellblessed, Eightfold Champion of the Empyrean and Coryphaus to the 109'th.



The wings were just glued on tonight. They've recieved significantly less work than most other areas of the model. Apparently I was real sloppy at some point with the browns from the fleshy parts, so I'm going to have to do some extra work cleaning up the bone ribbing. In the second image, you can just make out that the bottom side of the left wing has had covering layers of Bleached Bone put down as the beginning of this process... I plan to layer it back up to a much more white finish.


This image shows off some more things on the list. All the piping is basically untouched... I'm thinking some sort of green colour for that. The detailing on the legs has also been left alone so far since there I'm not real sure. The metallics on his left-leg thigh plate are a lick of Chainmail shy of the right leg's. Obviously, the loincloth is in its early stages and the face will need a lot of work too, but despite its refusal to show up on camera, I actually like the subtlety of the burnished gold for the mail.


Top down. Because in real life you're taller than him.

C&C always appreciated!

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