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Alpha Legion disguised as....


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Since I saw Kaleb Daarks fake Ultramarine squad(a few pictures down), I wanted to build a Alpha legion strike team with all AL being disguised.



First question:

I like the C:CSM, but shouldn´t they really adjust themself and follow the codex for the legion they´re disguised as?


Should I go for CSM squads, Havocs, Chosen, Rhino, Landraider and Weapon Teams(Obliterator - Dan the Deamon)(a few pictures down).






Second question:

Kaleb Daark showed us that the Ultramarine icon is easy to make a subtile shape of a hydra.


I thinking about painting a shoulder with the chapter-icon of these:



Flesh Tearers

Dark Angels



*Sons of Orar

Black Dragons

*Emperor´s Spears

*Iron Snakes

Death strike


Any other chapter that would be great/easy to make a subtile hydra-icon of?

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Since I saw Kaleb Daarks fake Ultramarine squad(a few pictures down), I wanted to build a Alpha legion strike team with all AL being disguised.



First question:

I like the C:CSM, but shouldn´t they really adjust themself and follow the codex for the legion they´re disguised as?


Should I go for CSM squads, Havocs, Chosen, Rhino, Landraider and Weapon Teams(Obliterator - Dan the Deamon)(a few pictures down).






Second question:

Kaleb Daark showed us that the Ultramarine icon is easy to make a subtile shape of a hydra.


I thinking about painting a shoulder with the chapter-icon of these:



Flesh Tearers

Dark Angels



*Sons of Orar

Black Dragons

*Emperor´s Spears

*Iron Snakes

Death strike


Any other chapter that would be great/easy to make a subtile hydra-icon of?


As for which codex to use I guess that would depend on what chapter you pretend to be but remember most units can count as so you can change codex when you get bored... want to be a bit more chaosy today and use daemons and a defiler? then fine use codex CSM... want to play an Elite strike force of Alpha Legion terminators teleporting in a ripping out the heart of the enemy? use the Dark Angels dex... The only real difference are some weapons options but that shouldn't be a big issue and in apocalypse just use it all anyway... with flank march ^^

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First question:

I like the C:CSM, but shouldn´t they really adjust themself and follow the codex for the legion they´re disguised as?

Not really, no. As long as they clean up their armour a bit and repaint them it should be enough. Chaos icons are what would raise the most suspicion. If they do not happen to have any plasma cannons, or still use some auto cannons, that would probably not be too suspicious.

What isn't going to happen is that Alpha Legion Marines suddenly become heroic and get ATSKNF again, or their sorcerers suddenly use the same powers as loyalist Librairans would. So a different Codex does not really seem appropriate in that respect. The Codex Chaos has most of the units a loyalist Chapter would use. They would just have to change the appearance of those units.

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First question:

I like the C:CSM, but shouldn´t they really adjust themself and follow the codex for the legion they´re disguised as?

Not really, no. As long as they clean up their armour a bit and repaint them it should be enough. Chaos icons are what would raise the most suspicion. If they do not happen to have any plasma cannons, or still use some auto cannons, that would probably not be too suspicious.

What isn't going to happen is that Alpha Legion Marines suddenly become heroic and get ATSKNF again, or their sorcerers suddenly use the same powers as loyalist Librairans would. So a different Codex does not really seem appropriate in that respect. The Codex Chaos has most of the units a loyalist Chapter would use. They would just have to change the appearance of those units.


Very good points!


Think I´ll stick to the C: CSM.

First question solved!

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What isn't going to happen is that Alpha Legion Marines suddenly become heroic and get ATSKNF again, or their sorcerers suddenly use the same powers as loyalist Librairans would. So a different Codex does not really seem appropriate in that respect.


This might not be the case at all. ;)


Another angle to look at it from would be the possibility of a Chapter having been subverted by the Legion, as in the case of the Emperor's Swords (Pg 20 of C:CSM). Any force that had started out in life as Loyalist before becoming renegade would have all the experience and equipment that a standard Codex chapter would use. In fact, should a force have started out in this way, what better way to continue fighting the imperium than repainting your armour and posing as another chapter; you'd be able to continue using all your pre-existing skills, equipment and experience in making the new deception believable. Much easier to justify than a recently 'turned' force finding out that they suddenly turn their back on all they know, chuck out any equipment that might be less than 10,000 years old and instantly gaining intimate knowledge of all the tricks available in C:CSM.


Sorry if this complicates things ;) Alpha Legion can certainly complicate any scenario!


(Star Dragons and Salamanders also have similar chapter badges as the Black Dragons)

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What isn't going to happen is that Alpha Legion Marines suddenly become heroic and get ATSKNF again, or their sorcerers suddenly use the same powers as loyalist Librairans would. So a different Codex does not really seem appropriate in that respect. The Codex Chaos has most of the units a loyalist Chapter would use. They would just have to change the appearance of those units.

ATSKNF isn't really about being Heroic it is about Dedication and as far as we know if the Alpha Legion actually have some long term plan (or at least a faction that has remained true to the primarch's goal (if he had one)) then they have shown as much if not more dedication than most other marines a live...


As for psychic powers they need not be the same just have affects that are roughly the same... maybe it isn't the wings of sanguinius but another power that allows the psyker/whatever to move quickly... hell those who use the powers of chaos most likely have a more diverse range of powers than Loyalist space Marines do... we just have a crap codex :<


I agree with the would just change the appearance bit as I said you could use multiple dexes and one day bob could be a tactical marine another day he could be a chaos space marines and then you just swop out codex specific units as you feel like a different play style... I'm sure the Alpha Legion would be able to get its grubny little mits on Land Speeders if it wanted to... and the Alpha Legion are the masters of thinking outside the box... thats why they are so much better than the Ultramarines... who stay in the box to much... get out of the Box Legatus.

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ATSKNF isn't really about being Heroic it is about Dedication and as far as we know if the Alpha Legion actually have some long term plan (or at least a faction that has remained true to the primarch's goal (if he had one)) then they have shown as much if not more dedication than most other marines a live...


That's true. Afterall, the old rules for Fallen Angels let them keep ATSKNF because they never really betrayed the Emperor, just their fellow Dark Angels.

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I agree with the would just change the appearance bit as I said you could use multiple dexes and one day bob could be a tactical marine another day he could be a chaos space marines and then you just swop out codex specific units as you feel like a different play style... I'm sure the Alpha Legion would be able to get its grubny little mits on Land Speeders if it wanted to... and the Alpha Legion are the masters of thinking outside the box... thats why they are so much better than the Ultramarines... who stay in the box to much... get out of the Box Legatus.


You just convinced me to paint a few extra marines for each squad, so I can field them either as CSM or SM!

Just started on my first 4 test figures(different chapters), so soon I´ll start a wip-thread.

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