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Just how necessary is a Librarian?


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I feel you may be missing the whole point of using a Librarian, and in particular Null Zone. Yes a Chaplain is more useful in combat, no one is disputing that. For the same points he lets you re-roll hits on the charge, and comes with power weapon and 4++ save standard. So he's more killy (especially when boosting a close combat squad) and he's more durable, even more so if you're using Cassius. You are right that for a Chaplain, Cassius is a bargain. However, remember he has to be in the right unit to make an impact. Therefore, he works best with an assault unit.


The Librarian, on the other hand, isn't as killy as the Chaplain or the Captain, but makes up for it with flexibility and wide-ranging abilities. Yes that Chaplain might be able to kill a couple more guys thanks to re-rolls and digi weapons. However, the Librarian has powers that can meet that killiness, just in the shooting phase with powers such as Vortex of Doom and the Avenger.


Null Zone as well is a fantastic power. I'll agree that you are not always going to go up against armies with invulnerable saves, in which case, power wasted. However, it is invaluable for when you do use it. I've already provided one example of a game where Null Zone worked for, allowing me to butcher Terminators. I've had quite a few good experiences of using Null Zone to force my opponent to keep re-rolling his invulnerable saves against plasma weapons, demolisher rounds and the like, games against other Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines where Null Zone really was the difference. In one game it killed Dante, as beforehand he had passed every single invulnerable save until I made him re-re-roll it because of Null Zone. The handy thing about Null Zone is that when it is able to be used, it won't just affect one unit, but a large amount in one turn.


I feel that is what the Librarian has over the Chaplain, he can affect multiple enemies in different ways. With a Chaplain, you're opponent knows what you're going to do with it, assault. With a Librarian your opponent isn't so sure. Will you assault with your force weapon? Will you sit back and use shooting powers? Or will you keep Null Zone up to keep out his invulnerables.


I'm not saying the Chaplain isn't a good choice. If it fits in your list then it is the better option. This thread is to decide if the Librarian is necessary, and I think the general feel is that he isn't, but that he should be regarded as the default option unless there is a better option for your force, which I whole-heartedly agree with.


Of course, considering how cheap both the Chaplain (and Cassius!) and the Librarian are, why not take both in your army? Consider the amount of Termies you could kill in one round of combat then :)


You are very much right about that. I am not disputing that he is more versatile, but that also makes him much more difficult to play right. The benefits of the chaplain are very easy to see and undisputable. The librarian is only as good as the player using him. It isnt that I havent thought about the pros, I am just playing a devils advocate (and yes, promoting my favourite HQ in the process :) )

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