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Skull champion and power weapon


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Just a thought....a berzerkers skull champion w/ a powersword is a ctually quite viable, due to many attacks and S bonus from furious charge, and strikes

before a powerfist. lets see...


champ with power weapon- 5 S5 attacks on the charge I5

champ with power fist - 4 S9 attacks on the charge I1


a skull champion with a power weap will slaughter MEQs....or anything, before they strike and reduce the unit's numbers, and has enough S to touch T6 monsters, for 10 points less...so why use a powerfist?

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Because if you get stuck with a Wraithlord you are screwed... sure if you charge it you might kill it... power weapon is good but the general idea is that if you have lots of Berzerkers they will get enough attacks to kill things with no saves or things with good saves (because you will have less marines than Orks and less Terminators than Marines...) however even with lots of attacks they can have a problem against things with High T or Vehicles should you need to take them (I used to load out with plasma pistols in 4th ed when they could rapid fire...)... however a fist works well for getting rid of the hard to remove stains :)
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a skull champion with a power weap will slaughter MEQs....or anything, before they strike and reduce the unit's numbers, and has enough S to touch T6 monsters, for 10 points less...so why use a powerfist?

If you get to charge . what more or less means you have to go for a LR rush [which some people may not wont to play ] .also if you end up with hth with a MC and unit you wont kill the MC within one turn and then you hit with str 4 . str 9 open tankes easier then str 5 and if actualy gives you a chance to open something with AV13/14. If you end up in hth with a HQ and unit support the HQ is dead unless it has eternal warrior or he gets lucky on SS saves[that if he can take them] a power weapon will do 2 wounds which means the HQ will swing at your zerkers for 2 turns .So even if you do win your unit maybe now standing at proud 1-2 models.

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Champion with PW is viable and incredibly powerful, but make sure it has easy access to another powerfist or method of destroying armour, EG an accompanying lord with Powerfist or high strength attack, or support them by having a DP follow them.


Personally I run an 8 man squad with PW Champion accompanied by a Lord with PLC, who ride in a Raider, behind which flys my DP. Raider gets them there quickly and unhurt, whilst the accompanying DP can kill armour and help them out, or run off and kill something else, whilst being protected by the bulk of the Raider. Mutual Protection is great :P

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Champion with PW is viable and incredibly powerful, but make sure it has easy access to another powerfist or method of destroying armour, EG an accompanying lord with Powerfist or high strength attack, or support them by having a DP follow them.


Personally I run an 8 man squad with PW Champion accompanied by a Lord with PLC, who ride in a Raider, behind which flys my DP. Raider gets them there quickly and unhurt, whilst the accompanying DP can kill armour and help them out, or run off and kill something else, whilst being protected by the bulk of the Raider. Mutual Protection is great :lol:


Yes I'm actually planning on using 8 zerkers w/PW with a lord who has a daemon weapon and combi-melta, so I can easily kill a MC or vehicle, and a flurry of high I attacks to rip the enemy apart before they can strike

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Champion with PW is viable and incredibly powerful, but make sure it has easy access to another powerfist or method of destroying armour, EG an accompanying lord with Powerfist or high strength attack, or support them by having a DP follow them.


Personally I run an 8 man squad with PW Champion accompanied by a Lord with PLC, who ride in a Raider, behind which flys my DP. Raider gets them there quickly and unhurt, whilst the accompanying DP can kill armour and help them out, or run off and kill something else, whilst being protected by the bulk of the Raider. Mutual Protection is great :lol:

Weird I use almost the same exact tatic but my zerkers have a PFist

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For years I used two 8 man squads in rhino one squad with a PW and the other with a PF. Running roughly 7 powerfists in my army at 1500 pts (including obliterators) i recently took the PW off my champ and put a powerfist on and I can honestly say.. He is more killy. The difference between 2+ and 3+ assault turn and then a 2+ vs 4+ if not assaulting is pretty key.. Wins battles frequently.
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