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Chaos is Fun


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So im going to build a army of chaos marines that are fallen space wolves embracing the wulfen flaw, known as the ravager wolves, thinking of chaos undivided or khorne but im still waiting for minatures. so i sit here playing soulstorm bored out of my mind lol. any thoughts or ideas
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I don't think SW can have successors.

That´s not correct. SW had have one successor chapter, the Wolf Brothers. Their geneseed had shown a fatal flaw. It seems that the few surviving Wolf Brothers had joint the chaos. In the Apocalypse book in the chaos entry two squads of Wolf Brothers are listed as part of a Red Corsair warband.

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so i sit here playing soulstorm



Let us never speak of the Kaurava incident again, lest the heresy of atrocious voice acting, badly thought out plots and ridiculous unit nerfs occur again.



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lol sorry just bored out of my mind.... 3 weeks to wait for my minatures and books to come is a long time lol.....though im not gonna lie tried to look online to download the chaos space marine codex and core rule book for free lol...couldnt find it... so i wait lol though im not gonna lie i have been reading about the iron warriors and like them to i dunno lol just sitting here lol.
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The nice thing about Chaos is that there is no 'right way' of doing it. Sure there are 'better' and 'more plausible' ways, but if you want Chaos Vikings in Space then you can go right for it. Khorne is a good place to start for something like that, I think, though you may consider not going the Berzerker path and instead dedicating your 'corrupted wolves' to Khorne.


Also, quite soulstorm and get DoW2 already! The Chaos Marines are much, much more satisfying!

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oh i got DOW2 just get bored playing it no one is online to play it lol usually lol...i like that i think thats what im gonna do though just getting around to it lol is the fun part. lets see i see them not being beserkers like the world eaters but dedicated to sensless and butal slaughter like mad wolves, or like black spiral dancers from WW werewolf the apoclypse lol...i dunno but alas i must take off for a minute be back in less than 5
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Rouge wolves dedicated (but not devouted) to Khorne, I like it. The colors would work, I'd say mix 'n' match CSM's, possessed, and SW's. That would give you a very brutal and terrifying look. As for fluff, not only were there the Wolf Brothers, but once in a while a part of a company of Wolves split from their chapter for a variety of reasons, honour, blood debts, etc. It's entirely possible for one of these break away strike forces to never come back, maybe a sudden breakout of the curse, or something similar and insane...make it bloody, man.
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I'm actually working on this also. I just got back in game, the past month, after 11 years away, and played Space Wolves back then, so had bought a bunch of minis to put together for that army. But well been really looking at Chaos lately, so been thinking of using my models to instead make a Chaos army.


Only thing that bites is I also have a 5 Thunderwolf Cav, plus Canis, and 12 oop direwolves, that I am trying to think how to incorporate into a Chaos army. I really dont want to do a Chaos army and use the Space Wolf Codex. I kind of think if your going to do Chaos, then you do Chaos. :)


The rest of the models will be easy, just change out some parts and add some bits, and it should be good.


I have a bunch of mechs, razorbacks, vindicators and whirlwinds. Razorbacks I can change to Rhinos, vindicators I can still use if I want, Whirlwind, I cant, but been messing with the idea, of instead of buying defiler models, I would buy some bits, and convert a couple of the razorbacks and whirlwind, and make them into my defilers. :lol:


Any ideas, or anyone seen an army using the SW models, but playing as Chaos?

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See above for your wolves. As for the thunderwolves, maybe bikers? Give 'em combi-bolters, and let 'em ride. Game wise, bikes kinda suck, but the modeling chances would be very cool. Canis would be good for a Counts-as Khorne Lord on a bloodcrusher. Heck, save the whirlwinds for a build up to Apocalypse levels, and use them as captured equipment. Best of luck, guys, and post some pics. I'd love to see these guys take shape.
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Yeah was thinking of Canis as on a Bloodcrusher, and funny, but I actually have my Thunderwolf Cav models infront of me, trying to invision how they would look, if I took the legs, and cut a little, reposition them where they would be across from each other, then put the bike wheels inbetween them. :)
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Grab some green stuff, and add some manged-up fur coming out between the cracks of the armour. And don't just add 1 or 2 SW pieces, do a full half n half. Here's a great example. Davey80y's Khorne Wolves

This fella does some amazing work.


@Fhyn: 'Biker-Wolves'....yarrr, funny guy...you model that, and I would bow down, lol.

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now i do have a question is there variations on weapons and stuff....i mean ravager wolves im imagining conquered ice planet and twisited into a mockery of the SW home world. To get back i was wondering if there is a variant of the flammer but instead i was thinking ice....ice can burn and is very deadly.... and following the idea the Planet was renamed to Jötunheimr.
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Hope this is not a threadomancy, but I'd like to indicate several major flaws.

1. Skyrar's Dark wolves actually are not SW renegades. Though their origin is vague, they are described as CC oriented bunch of renegades.

2. Wulfen curse is actually not a flaw towards chaos. The source of it being the Canis Helix, it is the ultimate protection from the Chaos, switching on the inner wolf and transforming the marine into Wulfen beast BEFORE he is corrupted by Chaos. Therefore wulfens can never be chaotic.

3. The renegade SW/Red Corsairs pictured in the C:CSM were SW new-bloods - Blood Claws, which had not fully been indoctrinated and thus renounced their oaths after the boarding of the strike cruiser "Wolf of Fenris" by Huron Blackheart.


Hope that this helps a bit.

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1. Skyrar's Dark wolves actually are not SW renegades. Though their origin is vague, they are described as CC oriented bunch of renegades.


Is it stated they are not Space Wolves or that they are something else? Because if neither of those statements are made then they could be Space Wolves... just as they could be something else?

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1. Skyrar's Dark wolves actually are not SW renegades. Though their origin is vague, they are described as CC oriented bunch of renegades.


Is it stated they are not Space Wolves or that they are something else? Because if neither of those statements are made then they could be Space Wolves... just as they could be something else?


There is little, if any info on them - I intentionally omit the reference made to them in the Dornian Heresy, since that is as much fan-fiction as anything else about them. This might be a lost company, but just as well they may have no ties with the SW either. Codex SW makes no reference to Wolf Lord Skyrar and his company either.

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They are listed as CC experts, plague the areas around Fenris, wear what looks like a corrupted SW symbol on their shoulder, and their primary color is SW grey (current C:CSM)...if they ain't Wolves, they would apparently do anything to copy their look and most likely their mannerisms. And yes, wulfen are not naturally chaos, but they also can't tell between friend or foe. Just herd them in the right direction.
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