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They are listed as CC experts, plague the areas around Fenris, wear what looks like a corrupted SW symbol on their shoulder, and their primary color is SW grey (current C:CSM)...if they ain't Wolves, they would apparently do anything to copy their look and most likely their mannerisms.


This. They are very, very heavily implied to be renegade wolves.



See above for your wolves. As for the thunderwolves, maybe bikers? Give 'em combi-bolters, and let 'em ride. Game wise, bikes kinda suck, but the modeling chances would be very cool. Canis would be good for a Counts-as Khorne Lord on a bloodcrusher. Heck, save the whirlwinds for a build up to Apocalypse levels, and use them as captured equipment. Best of luck, guys, and post some pics. I'd love to see these guys take shape.


I was thinking about how to use my renegades with different codices recently, and I decided that the best way to represent Thunderwolves would be with daemonic cavalry. Bloodcrushers or Seekers would work quite well, IMO. Canis could be a Herald of Khorne on a juggernaught.

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Hope this is not a threadomancy, but I'd like to indicate several major flaws.

1. Skyrar's Dark wolves actually are not SW renegades. Though their origin is vague, they are described as CC oriented bunch of renegades.

2. Wulfen curse is actually not a flaw towards chaos. The source of it being the Canis Helix, it is the ultimate protection from the Chaos, switching on the inner wolf and transforming the marine into Wulfen beast BEFORE he is corrupted by Chaos. Therefore wulfens can never be chaotic.

3. The renegade SW/Red Corsairs pictured in the C:CSM were SW new-bloods - Blood Claws, which had not fully been indoctrinated and thus renounced their oaths after the boarding of the strike cruiser "Wolf of Fenris" by Huron Blackheart.


Hope that this helps a bit.


Sounds to me like we have an overly defensive Space Wolf in denial about Wolves ever joining Chaos :D

Also, anything can be corrupted by Chaos given enough exposure. Trees can be corrupted, animals can be corrupted, even planets can be corrupted. Everyone's favourite wulfen can be corrupted too.

Blood Claws may be rookies, but even rookies are indoctrinated in the ways of their organization (often times rookies are even more zealous than veterans). It's okay though, I personally know a Space Wolves player who is never willing to admit that a Space Wolf would turn. :jaw:

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Hope this is not a threadomancy, but I'd like to indicate several major flaws.

1. Skyrar's Dark wolves actually are not SW renegades. Though their origin is vague, they are described as CC oriented bunch of renegades.

2. Wulfen curse is actually not a flaw towards chaos. The source of it being the Canis Helix, it is the ultimate protection from the Chaos, switching on the inner wolf and transforming the marine into Wulfen beast BEFORE he is corrupted by Chaos. Therefore wulfens can never be chaotic.

3. The renegade SW/Red Corsairs pictured in the C:CSM were SW new-bloods - Blood Claws, which had not fully been indoctrinated and thus renounced their oaths after the boarding of the strike cruiser "Wolf of Fenris" by Huron Blackheart.


Hope that this helps a bit.


Sounds to me like we have an overly defensive Space Wolf in denial about Wolves ever joining Chaos :HS:

Also, anything can be corrupted by Chaos given enough exposure. Trees can be corrupted, animals can be corrupted, even planets can be corrupted. Everyone's favourite wulfen can be corrupted too.

Blood Claws may be rookies, but even rookies are indoctrinated in the ways of their organization (often times rookies are even more zealous than veterans). It's okay though, I personally know a Space Wolves player who is never willing to admit that a Space Wolf would turn. :lol:


The story of "Wolf of Fenris" shows that they may. But in fact my post was intended to show some major fluff flaws in that the Wulfens may turn, which is impossible. The whole fluff behind 13th Company (according to the Codex:EoT, not current Codex:SW where 13th Company as it were is virtually non-existent) serves as the proof for that. Yet, perhaps, we may not call Wulfens to be Space wolves anymore :Elite:

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ok let me add something to this lol


1. i never wanted to take from the dark wolves


2. i understand that the wulfen flaw is a chaos flaw, but what im doing is using it to its fullest advantage, ie they embrace and twisted it when they banded together under the banner of chaos.


3. for part of my background yes i plan to use the fact that the leader did infact get SW to break oaths, like the astral claws did, but he also swelled his ranks with other renegades of similar mind, hell he could of won them from Hurons tournament.


4. i was thinking of making the sorcscer i female if its possible a curropted angel of death, like from the movie the eaters of the dead..


now i didnt wanna piss anyone off with this i just thought and was understanding that even the mighty SW arent immune from the thralls of chaos and my guys like i said are a brutal twisted mockery of the original SW chapter.

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Chaos tainted or not, Wulfen are still feral to an extreme. Forcibly implant pacifier helms on your wolf-brothers (who have failed your leader) before they turn into wulfen, and introduce tainted shards of a daemonic weapon underneath their skin to trigger the wulfen gene. When at war, flip the pacifier-helm switch when the filthy flea-bags are led a healthy distance from you. Procede to laugh manaically as you watch the mutts tear the heads off a few thousand loyalist scum. Taa-daa, a solution to the wulfen argument. And a cool modeling idea to boot. Hmm, maybe too cool. 'Scuse me, I gotta go grab my hobby knife...
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Chaos tainted or not, Wulfen are still feral to an extreme. Forcibly implant pacifier helms on your wolf-brothers (who have failed your leader) before they turn into wulfen, and introduce tainted shards of a daemonic weapon underneath their skin to trigger the wulfen gene. When at war, flip the pacifier-helm switch when the filthy flea-bags are led a healthy distance from you. Procede to laugh manaically as you watch the mutts tear the heads off a few thousand loyalist scum. Taa-daa, a solution to the wulfen argument. And a cool modeling idea to boot. Hmm, maybe too cool. 'Scuse me, I gotta go grab my hobby knife...

I think this idea would work. The thing is, SW can fall to chaos, but before they go completely evil, the wulfen gene kicks in. As shown in novels, this makes them feral, and they will attack loyalists sometimes. As such, I think that the above idea could work very well.

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3. The renegade SW/Red Corsairs pictured in the C:CSM were SW new-bloods - Blood Claws, which had not fully been indoctrinated and thus renounced their oaths after the boarding of the strike cruiser "Wolf of Fenris" by Huron Blackheart.

The Red Corsair SW model shown in the 3.5 Codex Chaos Space Marine was actualy from the Wolf Guard. Or did you mean the story from the 4th Edition Codex?

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