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Chaos is Whispering


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After a brief 40K hiatus, I've returned, and found out how wrong I've been. Oh yes! Gone are the days of mere dabblings with the Ruinous Powers while still serving the Corpse Emperor. Now I find myself drawn quite strongly to the TRUE believers. Or not believers, in the case of the Night Lords. So, here I am at the gates of the Eye of Terror. But where do I go from here? That's where you all come in. No, I'm not going to sacrifice you! ... (much...) No, no, I come here seeking guidance. I come here seeking a path. I come here... seeking a Legion. Now, catch your breaths everybody, I've done my homework. I know what all the Legions offer. I'm asking you to convince me! Word Bearers, you guys have an unfair advantage when it comes to convincing people, so hold off a bit, okay? :)


So? How about it? Why Grandfather Nurgle over those wussy Noise Marines? Why the Changer of Ways over Khorne's chosen? Why worship the Chaos Pantheon devoutly over ridiculing belief entirely? Send me your best shots!


Winning Legion wins a cookie! Which I will then eat as a member of said Legion...

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You came too late. Legions are no more. Now we are only warbands, playing to be space orks in power armour. No fighting for religion or idea is left, we're fighting just because, well, because... you know, because... ah, whatever.


So do not bother yourself, buy current Codex CSM, and create 2 suqads: Lucius accompanied by 9 Berzerkers and Nurgle Raptors. And do not forget to summon Screamers of Tzeentch onto Mark of Nurgle when Raptors will bring it closer to enemy!

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Yeah, the current codex. So much fun. Who need legions anyway, when we can have brilliant renegade warbands with no background and reason to fight?


It is a shame I put this abomination to fire and went back to my beloved legions.


Back to your question:

1) All chaos is fun. Worship it all. Word Bearers.

2) All chaos is fun. Use it as a tool (handle with care). Night Lords.

3) Chaos was fun. It is not anymore due to GW love to kill good stuff. Rant Rant Rant bitternes. But we will be back to our legions and entrench there. Iron Warriors.

It will take me time to choose only one of this. I want half the cookie.

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Word Bearers, you guys have an unfair advantage when it comes to convincing people, so hold off a bit, okay?


If you insist...




Word Bearers are so good at converting non-believers, that we don't even need to say anything. Oh wait, I just did...but you get what I mean, right?


Word Bearers are also a nice, big, complete Legion, unlike many of the other "Legions" who have split apart and cant do much except raid and pillage as small warbands. As a gigantic Legion, we can invade whole worlds without the help of other Chaos factions. If you happen lose a game (which is hard when all four Chaos powers are backing you), instead of despairing over the loss of your warband, you can claim a moral victory by telling your oponent that the rest of the legion is after him now. Your enemies' very visible fear should be enough to want to become a Dark Apostle in an instant, but if you like fear that much then maybe Night Lords are for you...


Vote #1 Lorgar :P

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Word Bearers are also a nice, big, complete Legion, unlike many of the other "Legions" who have split apart and cant do much except raid and pillage as small warbands.


It just makes me smile :P awesome commercial, thanx. Should do something similar for Red Corsairs or somebody, like "we are not those petty another brick in the wall legions, our fate is our own".

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You came too late. Legions are no more. Now we are only warbands... *snip*


Yes, yes, I know. I am, unfortunately, set in my ways and if I want to play a Legion, then I will, by crikey! There are still Word Bearer/Iron Warrior/Night Lord/Alpha Legion players out there on top of Cults and Black Legion, and I guess it's to them I'm reaching out.


So far only Word Bearers have put in any sort of decent argument, so obviously they're ahead!

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There are still Word Bearer/Iron Warrior/Night Lord/Alpha Legion players out there on top of Cults and Black Legion, and I guess it's to them I'm reaching out.


To be honest I don't know what do you want to hear. If you like Legions - you already know something about them. If you already know something - you already feel what Legion is the closest to you. I like Night Lords because they're not seeking slavemasters for themselves like slaves of corpse emperor and Word Bearers, they are exceptionaly cruel, their gene-seed is pure enough not to bother with any diplomatics, they do not bother with mortal slaves, they are not limited in their tactics, and they were themselves forever, not much changed after Horus Heresy. Now you have list of my arguments, but those arguments are meaningless, I just feel that they are closer to me than anyone else. I do not think you'll stop on any suggestion you'll get here until feeling that some legion represents your way, your ideas. So I'd suggest you not to bother, as long as current codex allows you to take anyone - you can take anyone, and then eventually decide what Legion is yours and declare all other units in your army just temporary allies.

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Well I will put in for Iron Warriors. If you are a tread head IWs work well. The more big guns the better, too bad GW took away our basilisks. We are rather stubborn and paranoid, we know GW will take away our vindicators in the next codex. If a fortress needs to be brought down we have the guns to obliterate its walls and all those inside it. If an objective needs held we will build walls and trenches around it that only we could break through. Like the Night Lords Chaos is a tool more than a worship, though some IWs do worship Chaos. Mutations is a bid no-no so we cut them off and replace them with new bionics.


As far as the hobby goes, Iron Warriors can be real easy to paint if you are new or not very good at painting, or just need an army done fast. Or for the patient and more experienced painters you can go all out buy adding highlights and hazard stripes. SB's and Vladvar's armies are great examples of what can be done with the IWs.


Hope this was helpful

Iron Within, Iron Without

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So Word Bearers are ahead are they? How... sad.


Why play Word Bearers when you could go ALL IN and play WORLD EATERS!?!?!?


Do you need convincing!? Fine! Convincing time!


WORLD EATERS are the only Legion worth playing because they are the guys that get it done and get it done with attitude! A bunch of Legions hob around with these ridiculous claims about why they should be numero uno: "Oh, look, I frighten people because I always attack at night," or "I creap into your base and, like, totally steal your guys and make them work for me, n' stuff" or, in the case of the front runner Word Bearers "I kinda got dissed by the Emperor, right? So, y'know, to get back at him I'm gonna worship these other guys and be all cult-like by summoning daemons..." Yea, 'cause that's cool.

WORLD EATERS don't need any of that crap. When all the other Legions are out and about making "plans", our favourite WORLD EATER shotguns a pint of blood, grabs the meanest looking muther-hubbing chainaxe he can find, then proceeds to introduce it to the enemy and the enemy's face in the meanest possible way!

Other Legions have "strategies" and "tactics" about how they are going to win a battle, and guess what, WORLD EATERS do too! ... but WORLD EATERS call it a "strategy" and a "tactic" because they are so freaking good that they only need one! Namely: Drive Rhino, Land Raider, or blood daubed golf-cart at maximum speed towards enemy and proceed to apply liberal amounts of boot to ass as necessary or desired.


Why waste your time with ritual and melodrama when you could be yelling out the most iconic catch-phrase in all 40k (in case you've been living under a rock it is *ahem* "Blood for the Blood God, Skulls for the Skull Throne") and pushing little men and model tanks that look like they've spent all night puttering around the butcher-shop floor across a table while making suitable battle noises? Why pretend to summon generic daemons to the field when you could cut out the middle man and take the best assault unit in the friggin' book and do what everyone wishes they could? Why not dominate the assault phase instead of being hum-drum in every phase?

Why be a Word Bearer or any other wannabe when you could be a WORLD EATER (read: MANLIEST MAN OF MANLY MEN)?


As has been quoted:

As a WORLD EATER you're the shock assault - your the guy who breaks down the barricaded front door even though the window is wide open just to prove a point - that you are going to rip-roll through everything between you and them to introduce them to your favourite chainaxe and how well it cuts stuff!


Ride with the iconic Chaos Marines: ride with the WORLD EATERS!!

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I advise to hold back for a while still, as the time for the opening of the Eye is nearing!


In other words, there seems to be a gap close to christmas or shortly after it (in 2011), as all of the remaining ancient codexes should be updated by then, and the other not-so-ancient ones too, like DA, BT and Necrons.

That leaves us with Chaos and Eldar of the major races. Also, considering the prophecy that the world will end in 2012, doesn't that sound just spot-on for some Chaos-goodness? :P


At least I would do so if I were to start Chaos, as there's not that much to praise in this codex. I don't enjoy playing with these rules at all, nor do I enjoy the fluff (at least, not the massive change from Legions to Renegade warbands) or the models (they're good, but who knows how good they'll be in the next release).

Besides, you may avoid the waste of money, if you just wait for a while more. I mean, if GW releases some new, hot & must-buy models later on, you may regret that you just bought those years old models instead of waiting. Then there's the possibility of drastic rule changes, which may effectively make some of your units useless.


In maximum you've something like two years to play with this codex, and in minimum a year and some months.

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The Death Guard..... walking dead who will be finished by a rainstorm and some soap...

World Eaters... frothing maniacs who can be lured into a trap like a dog after a bone..

The Word Bearers?..... it was their childish sulk and desperate thirst for attention that has doomed mankind....

The Iron Warriors... good if you want a garden shed, a house extension built or that embarrassing statue your uncle put up pulled down, but anything else? nah.....

The Emperor's children?...good as a supporting band for the main entertainment, or want to enter Eurovision, won't be worse then any of the other bands there......

Night Lords.... they watched the batman films a bit too much, but would not stick around to do the job properly.....

The Alpha legion? who's side are they on anyway? Naruto wannabes....

The Black legion?........Please, you are joking right? how many are left? what do they even do, Team Rocket has a better success rate then they do, and having the talon of Horus and that daemon sword? the planet killer? compensating much?...

The Thousand Sons?... the ones who saw the heresy was going to happen, tried to warn the Emperor just for him to let lose the wolves with the custodes and the Null maidens, did that kill us? no, did Tzeentch's "gifts" finish us, no, either through our skill, knowledge and ingenuity we have managed to survive and each time sent those who tried to finish us limping away, our plans make fools of all, especially the wolf lords, we alone preserve the heritage of mankind, whilst the other would burn it. The path is clear, the Thousand Sons welcome all those seeking our wisdom and power, which the Eldar farseers dream about possessing! that and trustworthy bodyguards and free University places for you and your kids.

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So Word Bearers are ahead are they? How... sad.


Why play Word Bearers when you could go ALL IN and play WORLD EATERS!?!?!?


Do you need convincing!? Fine! Convincing time!


WORLD EATERS are the only Legion worth playing because they are the guys that get it done and get it done with attitude! A bunch of Legions hob around with these ridiculous claims about why they should be numero uno: "Oh, look, I frighten people because I always attack at night," or "I creap into your base and, like, totally steal your guys and make them work for me, n' stuff" or, in the case of the front runner Word Bearers "I kinda got dissed by the Emperor, right? So, y'know, to get back at him I'm gonna worship these other guys and be all cult-like by summoning daemons..." Yea, 'cause that's cool.

WORLD EATERS don't need any of that crap. When all the other Legions are out and about making "plans", our favourite WORLD EATER shotguns a pint of blood, grabs the meanest looking muther-hubbing chainaxe he can find, then proceeds to introduce it to the enemy and the enemy's face in the meanest possible way!

Other Legions have "strategies" and "tactics" about how they are going to win a battle, and guess what, WORLD EATERS do too! ... but WORLD EATERS call it a "strategy" and a "tactic" because they are so freaking good that they only need one! Namely: Drive Rhino, Land Raider, or blood daubed golf-cart at maximum speed towards enemy and proceed to apply liberal amounts of boot to ass as necessary or desired.


Why waste your time with ritual and melodrama when you could be yelling out the most iconic catch-phrase in all 40k (in case you've been living under a rock it is *ahem* "Blood for the Blood God, Skulls for the Skull Throne") and pushing little men and model tanks that look like they've spent all night puttering around the butcher-shop floor across a table while making suitable battle noises? Why pretend to summon generic daemons to the field when you could cut out the middle man and take the best assault unit in the friggin' book and do what everyone wishes they could? Why not dominate the assault phase instead of being hum-drum in every phase?

Why be a Word Bearer or any other wannabe when you could be a WORLD EATER (read: MANLIEST MAN OF MANLY MEN)?


As has been quoted:

As a WORLD EATER you're the shock assault - your the guy who breaks down the barricaded front door even though the window is wide open just to prove a point - that you are going to rip-roll through everything between you and them to introduce them to your favourite chainaxe and how well it cuts stuff!


Ride with the iconic Chaos Marines: ride with the WORLD EATERS!!

Quote for truth


World Eaters.. sorry.. WORLD EATERS also get Khârn, who quite frankly is plain awsomecakes, after a game or 2 your opponent will fear Khârn so much he will concentrate all his firepower to stop him, by which point every other bezerker in your army is making friends with his army.


On a side note it states that the CCW for chaos is well close combat weapons, I really want to see a Bezerker army where the close combat weapons are carefully modelled teaspoons, in fact thats why you should take WORLD EATERS:


WORLD EATERS more dangerous with a teaspoon than a Vanilla Space Marine with chainsword.

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The Black legion?........Please, you are joking right? how many are left?


About 180,000 going by Dark Creed.


Team Rocket has a better success rate then they do,


The Blood Angels at Mackan, the Kromarch, the Imperial commanders of Saveven and Corila amoung many other would like to disagree with you.



Anyway I chose Black Legion for the 4th edition because of two things.


1. They were flexible they can pretty much take every unit in the Codex and justify that. I like that. I like having all the options open to me and having a goof fluff reason for them.


2. They where Horus's Legion. After reading the Horus Rising I went with them because of the awesomness of the Luna Wolves.

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I thought the Black legion had been decimated by fighting the legions and getting possessed by daemons who then left them as husks?


They did. Now Abbadon did a little something called recruiting new guys. The Chaos Codex has an passage how champions and warbands are vying to fight for him in the Black Legion's colors. Plus he just got a bunch of geneseed from the Iron Warriors.

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Some people may try to persuade you to not Heed the Word, but think of it this way...if Lorgar and his Legion did not convert in the first place, then none of these other Legions would be in their current badass (Chaos) form. They would still be kneeling in front of the Corpse-Emperor and fighting all his wars for him.


Word Bearers--the original and the best!


PS: A whole thread of shameless Legion promoting could go on forever...

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Some people may try to persuade you to not Heed the Word, but think of it this way...if Lorgar and his Legion did not convert in the first place, then none of these other Legions would be in their current badass (Chaos) form. They would still be kneeling in front of the Corpse-Emperor and fighting all his wars for him.


Partially true. Night Lords were like this forever, they used symbols of death since they rejoined with Night Haunter. And take a look at those Perturabo boys, they were like this - and they still like this, but learned few new words, like "Chaos". Next one - World Eaters. They are Khornate by nature, they would not feel any difference if they will not know the name of War God. But Word Bearers used Horus because they knew no one will follow them, but most will follow Horus.

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