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Chaos is Whispering


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Well lets look at this from a pros and con view point.


World Eaters Pros, great at hand to hand, Cons limited long range capability if you lose the icon in your long range units you go back to being a CSM so limited use troops that are good at HtH. Tactics? ummm we run at em and kill.........sounds like orks to me....


Death Gaurd, Pros good toughness descent troops, cons, but again you loose the Icon and your normal again.


Emperors Children, Pros noise Weapons cons so hyped up on stims that they forget where they parked the rhino....3 battles ago....


Thousand sons, Pros lots of psykers, inferno bolts. Cons, um hmmmmmmoh yea the icon issue for anything out of troops...


Black Legion, pros they use it all. Cons Abadon that thrice traitorous dog first he left the battle for Terra right as we were winning! Second he destroyed the Primarch Horus's body depriving us all of our WarMaster! and third He had the gall to desecrate that which Horus built!............oh sorry where was I oh yea and only arbites look good in black.


Night lords. hmmmm they never come out of the dark long enough to be studied anyway......


Alpha legion, pros can take pretty much anything, Cons not really well organized.


Iron warriors, pros takes everything to a battle, Cons......dont follow the Word.


Word Bearers, Pros can take anything that the Dark Apostle wishes, great organization, not to many legions out there know exactly where their Primarch is. Great modeling opurtunities and we are lead by Dark Apostles. that just sounds much better than a commander now dont it. cons no named daemons.....


That sums it up I think.


Pray to lorgar that the truth of the word will guide you on your path.......

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Cons Abadon that thrice traitorous dog first he left the battle for Terra right as we were winning!


You mean as Horus just died and Imperial renforcements began to arrive?


Second he destroyed the Primarch Horus's body depriving us all of our WarMaster!


Chaos was deprived of it's Warmaster when the Emperor killed him and annhilated his soul.


and third He had the gall to desecrate that which Horus built!............


Rebuilding the shattered remmnats of the Sons of Horus into one of th emost powerful groups in the Eye?

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Fools all of you. Still following objectives and desires the same way as you always have. Never truly embracing anything to its fullest and fighting the same war you always have. Yes you may have changed your tactics and colour schemes over time, but you are still effectively the same as those Astartes fighting for the rotting corpse claiming to be emperor!


I have the strength in me to take what I want and feed my own desires. I have experienced things which would sicken and delight by the same measure. I have done things unto others which would disgust the hardest of you all.


The Prince has let me be that which I craved....myself! Not some tool used by a false god or some deluded imbecile. I decide my fate and my future. I select my prey and pleasures. Speaking of which....have you heard of pleasure. Not likely. Not truly.


In words once said to me....."I have such sights to show you". And now I have seen much and done more. Yet still there is more to be had. Do not follow mistaken fools. Join me and fulfill your every desire. Who is strong enough to say no to you? Who can deny you with the power within you? Who?

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I could insult the other legions, IE, World Eaters don't have much in the way of lifespans, Death Guard follow Nurgle, Iron Warriors are way to bitter, etc, but I won't.


I need to say no such things to glorify the Word Bearers. You can take anything and be justified (just say they are more devoted to one God than the others)m while still retaining the ability to take grand seige weaponry or daemonic allies in apocyalypse.


You could do all these things with Black Legion, true, but Black Legion is polluted with the renegades that you want to avoid.


Also, you can make some truely great conversions with Word Bearers. Feeling Slaaneshi? Make a massive Electric Guitar as an axe for your Emperor's Children champion. Want go purist? Use the DA veteran kit to make some robed marines who are your Dark Apostle's personal entourage.


As for fluff, well, that's your personal taste. I personally like fantics who have the incessant backing of the Chaos Gods (who are famous for their rapidly changing whims).

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Haha! Feel honored, brother, this is my first ever post! (So forgive me if I'm going it wrong ;) )


Black Legion! For we are the chosen of the Warmaster, and it is we who shall inherit the galaxy!



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Let the other Legions talk, if you really want to play Chaos, in every aspect, and to truly understand the Great Beast, then play Black Legion. We do everything the other Legions can do but better, and we don't limit our tactics like the lesser Legions do. Abaddon is one of the most powerful close combat monsters in the game.


I would encourage you to be as fluffy as possible. If I use Berzerkers and Noise Marines in the same army I use Undivided lords. Also, really don't mix Slaaneshi Sorcerers and Berzerkers. Its just wrong.

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Let the other Legions talk, if you really want to play Chaos, in every aspect, and to truly understand the Great Beast, then play Black Legion WORLD EATERS. We do everything the other Legions can do but better, and we don't limit our tactics to the best effect, if you know it works why change like the lesser Legions do. Abaddon Khârn is one of the most powerful close combat monsters in the game.


fixed for truth

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Let the other Legions talk, if you really want to play Chaos, in every aspect, and to truly understand the Great Beast, then play Black Legion WORLD EATERS. We do everything the other Legions can do but better, and we don't limit our tactics to the best effect, if you know it works why change like the lesser Legions do. Abaddon Khârn is one of the most powerful close combat monsters in the game.


fixed for truth


Cool story bro. Too bad Abaddon destroys Khârn most of the time.

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I think that I have to give it to the Iron Warriors.


You know that scene in Commando, when Arnold is loading up shopping carts full of weapons from the back of that store? That is how a true Iron Warriors gets ready each and every day.


We have a home base are one of the few legions to have both a home planet and a living Primarch and whereas other Legions and warbands are bleeding themselves against the Imperium's forces, we're stockpiling and planning for the long war.

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I think that I have to give it to the Iron Warriors.


You know that scene in Commando, when Arnold is loading up shopping carts full of weapons from the back of that store? That is how a true Iron Warriors gets ready each and every day.


We have a home base are one of the few legions to have both a home planet and a living Primarch and whereas other Legions and warbands are bleeding themselves against the Imperium's forces, we're stockpiling and planning for the long war.


And selling pieces of your Grand Companies to other warbands, vile mercs. :rolleyes:

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AH My feelings on Abadon are just another viewpoint. Honestly hes got good stats and is a terror in combat sometimes. I just like having an opposing viewpoint when it comes to him, and when I started 40k I used my own version of the Sons of Horus. and have incorporated those models into my Word Bearers Really what it comes down to is what do you see as the role you want to fill?
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