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Chainsword bits


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Are there any chainsword bits that are just the chainsword and handle? I don't want a fist or anything on the pommel/handle. Just a plain chainsword with empty pommel/handle.


Ideally, I would like to mount some chainswords either at the hip or on the back beneath the powerpack as seen in the new Space Marine game by THQ.

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The only ones that I know of that don't have anything on the end of the grip are the Imperial Guard Chainswords (but these have a handguard and are attached to a human arm).


As for mounting the Chainsword between the body and the backpack, I did this on my Apothecary. It requires some cutting, and it only works with thin Chainswords, but it looks awesome.

When I was building my BP/CCW apothecary I built a chainsword handle out of two tac marine combat knife handles back to back, seemed to work pretty well(looks like a really hefty handle). I then found out there are sheathed swords in the khorne berzerker box that have better sized handles to begin with :teehee: . I've also used the dire avenger sheathed sword as a sheathed CCW, it's a little small compared to a chainsword, but I trimmed off the xenos fluting and glued one of the (again tac squad box) knife handle eagle heads on teh hilt. Looks pretty sharp really.

The old Third Edition close combat sprue had chainswords with no hands attached to them. They're pretty rare to find intact these days, as the whole point of them back then was to chop out the handle part, and attach it into the fist of your Marines.


The only other ones I know of that are still in production are the metal one from the Imperial Fist upgrade pack:



Pretty spendy for just one sword, though.

The old Third Edition close combat sprue had chainswords with no hands attached to them

I think I have some of these in my bits box (I know I have a bunch of the arms and a couple old powerfists just not positive on the chainsword). I'll have to double check when I get home, but I'll drop a chainsword in the mail for you if I have one.




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