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So, I'm a new painter and I've tried highlights on power armor for the handful of marines I've done and it looks like a retarded chimpanzee was behind it. Come to think of it, training a chimp might get me better resutls. It's not so bad that it's noticable at two feet, but it's painfully wobbly, too thick in some places, too thin in other places, and not especially subtle at all. And I've stopped trying on gold altogether.


I'm sorry if my search fu failed me, but I couldn't find anything talking about highlighting advice or techniques. Do you guys have anything to offer on the topic? Any insight or wisdom is appreciated. Otherwise I'll post back in a couple months and let you know how Koko is working out. ;)


EDIT: Spelling

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As a new painter getting highlights, paint consistency, and brush strokes just takes practice.


I'm not the best painter in the world so I decided to use a paint scheme that I could live with and looked good from table top viewing. Extreme highlighting along with washes can make your marines look very good on the table.


I suggest practice, patience, and more practice. Also pick a paint scheme that you like e.g. dry brush, extreme highlights, blending, etc., and practice those on models you don't care about. Then go back and start on your army.


Go through the W.I.P. and Hall of Honor portion of this forum and you will be able to get some ideas on what you can do.


Good Luck.

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I'd suggest highlighting by using the edge of teh brush and with only a very little damp paint on it. Build up the highlights gradually, don't aim to make teh highlight pop in one go...


Maybe post a model?We can see if it can be rescued or whether there is a etchnique issue or something else

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