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Lamenters Space Marines

Cruor Vault

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Some Pictures of my Little yellow cab drivers...


One of my Landraiders "Cruor Humoris"



I scratch built the Sponsons and rebuilt the front to make it look like one of the MKII kits from Forgeworld, but it only cost me about $10 in materials.


Next up is my Relic Blade/Storm Shield Captain. I rarely use this guy which is why he isn't based.



The Banner Bearer for the Captains Command Squad. Another rarely used unit who hasn't gotten based yet.




My Thunder Hammer Terminators along with my Vulcan conversion and my Librarian. These guys see action almost every single time I play a game.



My Typhoons, I have a third built also, but it is only base coated.



I magnetized all the weapons, I can put an under slung Heavy Flamer on the nose, swap the Heavy Bolter for a Multi-Melta and Remove the Typhoon launchers.



The first of my 4 Tactical Squads. Every man has hand painted chapter, army, company,squad, and fire team markings.



The Razorback for that squad. It has army, company, chapter and squad markings also.


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Those really are fantastic, great work. The yellow is very vibrant and bright, always a difficult effect to achieve and the detailing is subtle and well used. A tiny bit more work neatening up you free hand and skin tones would leave you with an exceptional army, brilliant stuff.


One question, what materials did you use to convert that Land Raider? Might consider doing it myself as the Forge World kit is a tad pricey.

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@Tomevans: I used simple plasticard. Gale Force 9 sells a quite reasonably priced package of plasticard with a whole bunch of thicknesses for about $10. One or two of those was more than enough. The rest was just some work with a ruler and a bunch of sketches beforehand. As for the painting... The yellow is such a hard color to work with, any mistakes are really obvious and you can't "just go back over it"


and now some more...


My second tactical Squad



The Razorback assigned to that squad.



The second Tactical Squad I painted.



Their Razorback.



My Scouts



One of my two predators. I magnetized the Sponsons and turret weapons.



My Vindicator, its not really done as it has no freehand, but I doubt I will do anything to it anytime soon.



Finally my Ironclad. He is a slightly different color from the rest of the army. I actually painted him as a test model.


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Not bad at all. I do admire people having the patience to paint up entire armies. There's a lot of freehanding as far as I can see, not always perfect, but still quite nice.

Just two things that bug me:

The vehicles' paintjobs look rather flat, despite all the sweet battle damage. Maybe you should add some dark lines into the recesses of the armour plates - I suggest strongly watered down bestial brown.

Your yellow has something greenish to it, if I am not mistaken, and that's the second point: I for one prefer the warm yellow of the Imperial Fists. Aside from that you did an overall great job and I'd love to see more of those guys.


Even if they can't stop whining ^^

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Its interesting you guys pointed out the greenish tinge. I had noticed that in the pictures myself, they actually have a much different appearance in person. I think the lighting I was shooting in wasn't right. The tanks are all very bright vibrant yellow in person. As for the checkers, they are really simple. First I sketch them out with a pencil (I do the same for the freehand), then I go over them with a black micropen. A 00 or 01 I think. Then I go in and fill them in with the pen. If you want to get really crazy you can shade the checkers with some watered down shadow grey and space wolves grey.


The battle damage is extremely primitive in my opinion. The only reason I haven't changed it is because I can't bring myself to go back over 50+ guys and 10 tanks. I have a bunch more stuff to paint (like another few thousand points) but I'm going to paint all that stuff in the same fashion as what I already have.


I plan to paint a unit or vehicle each month until I have them all done. We shall see how I do on that!

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