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Moving large vehicles from reserves


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Indeed. The Games designers obviously forgot how large some vehicles are :P


Or alternatively, they knew very well how large some vehicles are, and just felt like either making you deploy them, or run full-tilt to get onto the board. It's not like the rules takes anything away from the game.

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Indeed. The Games designers obviously forgot how large some vehicles are :(


Or alternatively, they knew very well how large some vehicles are, and just felt like either making you deploy them, or run full-tilt to get onto the board. It's not like the rules takes anything away from the game.


I would disagree... I would say making you deploy a unit on the table just because it is big takes away from the game... I would say in a mission where you have to keep a unit in reserve that unit being destroyed just because it can only move 1 inch in that turn in comes on subtracts from the game...


I doubt they did it to with a reason... I can walk my Emperor onto the table because of its speed but not my baneblade... and you might be forced to deploy the baneblade in reserves if you haven't deployed it in the time your side bid for...


Ever tried to play a 1,500pt game where one of you has 6 Valkyrie/Vulture type vehicles on a 4X4 board? Do you know how far the wings and tails stick out? It is basically impossible to flank someone if they have anything near one of the board edges... Should I count myself as in difficult terrain just because my wing stretches over a pond... Deny my movement because my wing passes over enemy units... If I do that on such a table my Valks basically can't move.


Oh I know what the rules are... and generally I say stick to the rules unless you want to make your own game... but sometimes people have to decide what is in the spirit of the game to make up for where GW messed up. I always ask if people mind if my wings go over the edge of the table and I know they don't have to let me but I've never met a single person at any of the clubs or shops I've been to who has had an issue with that.

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