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Erasmus of Baal

Erasmus of Baal

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Welcome to the Bolter and Chainsword, Brother.

I think you'll find our community to be most engaging and interesting.

We have a wonderfully active Blood Angels sub-forum here, at this location: link

How long have you been in the Hobby? Long enough to have a DIY Chapter, I can see. Any chance of seeing an Index Astartes soon?


Oh, and make sure you read the rules: link. Always important, I'm sure glad I read them.

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I've actually only been playing since, what, May? June? Something like that. I've just been reading up on fluff for years before that; my latest attempt at a "DIY" (What does that even MEAN?) Chapter is currently posted on BoLS; I'll probably just edit this one to completion instead of trashing it and restarting like I have with my last, what, ten? So, yeah, it's coming. Just no guarantees on timing. If you want it soonerrather than later, feel free to pop over to BoLS and send me some feedback; same username there.


I'll probably be happy to visit that BA sub-forum frequently. I have such an errant mind that I've come up with dozens of crazy ideas for how to field an army; I probably won't find more than half of them even posted. :jaw:


As for the rules, I actually read through them before I even made the account; nothing I didn't expect, but I am nonetheless glad that I did read them. Here's hoping other newbies do the same!

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I've actually only been playing since, what, May? June? Something like that. I've just been reading up on fluff for years before that; my latest attempt at a "DIY" (What does that even MEAN?) Chapter is currently posted on BoLS; I'll probably just edit this one to completion instead of trashing it and restarting like I have with my last, what, ten? So, yeah, it's coming. Just no guarantees on timing. If you want it soonerrather than later, feel free to pop over to BoLS and send me some feedback; same username there.


I'll probably be happy to visit that BA sub-forum frequently. I have such an errant mind that I've come up with dozens of crazy ideas for how to field an army; I probably won't find more than half of them even posted. :jaw:


As for the rules, I actually read through them before I even made the account; nothing I didn't expect, but I am nonetheless glad that I did read them. Here's hoping other newbies do the same!



DIY means "Do It Yourself.


Welcome to the B&C! Pity you've thrown your lot in with Sanguinius, you probably would have made an excellent Berzerker. Ah well, we'll corrupt you soon enough.


Also, good luck trying to make Khorne bleed. The last git to try that was Skarbrand, and look where that got him. Now he just wanders around with no emotions or personality, just mindless rage. Sort of like a Death Company marine, really. :blush:


I jest, sir, I jest.

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I've actually only been playing since, what, May? June? Something like that. I've just been reading up on fluff for years before that; my latest attempt at a "DIY" (What does that even MEAN?) Chapter is currently posted on BoLS; I'll probably just edit this one to completion instead of trashing it and restarting like I have with my last, what, ten? So, yeah, it's coming. Just no guarantees on timing. If you want it soonerrather than later, feel free to pop over to BoLS and send me some feedback; same username there.


I'll probably be happy to visit that BA sub-forum frequently. I have such an errant mind that I've come up with dozens of crazy ideas for how to field an army; I probably won't find more than half of them even posted. :jaw:


As for the rules, I actually read through them before I even made the account; nothing I didn't expect, but I am nonetheless glad that I did read them. Here's hoping other newbies do the same!

Ah, sorry, "DIY" means "Do-It-Yourself." I never use the term outside of this forum anyway, but I thought it was a fairly common term.

I've only been playing for a year myself, and still have great difficulty with rules and such (I'm more of a fluff/modeling kind of person).

I thin, concerning your Chapter, I'll wait until you post it here, it will give you time to refine it. As for keeping a consistent Chapter, you will eventually. I had a few myself, my first idea being the Ascending Fists (interestingly, I never gave up on my color scheme).


Good luck with the Hobby then, Brother. Hope to see you around the forums. If you need anything else, fell free to say so.

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Actually, the main reason those Berserkers don't really interest me is that they don't get jump packs; they need to drive around in Purple Heart Boxes to get anywhere.

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