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Grim Reapers of Cadaver


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Hi all,


This is the WIP on my test model for custom legion Disciples of blight (or maybe Grim Reapers of Cadaver). I'd appreciate any comments you might have :)


I have to stress out that I'm aiming for a little non-orthodox take on Nurgle, so my guys aren't going to be all rusted, bloated and covered in pustules. I'm also planning to keep the number of spikes and tropy racks incredibly low for a Chaos army, as I see all of this stuff MOSTLY look silly and juvenile, if not pulled off skillfully.


I'm also doing some concept sketches of my future demon prince. It's going to have a non-kosher Nurgle look too, as I'd like more of an almost skeletal figure with a few strands of long hair on top of his head, with black angel like wings.


As you can see, my take on Nurgle makes all of them look more like the traditional image of death than bloated monstrosities. I want more of sinister and less of gross.


Is this heresy? :)


So, basicly this is what the paint scheme is going to be like:



This is the CSM with his powerpack on, but the powerpack still needs a few stages of shading and highlights. This guy is going to be holding a scythe in both his hands, so he's a close combat guy. This is why he's covered in blood so much:



Let me know what you think!




Edited by Finn
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Looking forward to seeing the DP sounds pretty cool.

Oh, it may take a while, because I'm going to make this model from scratch. It will involve lots of sculpting, and I generally don't have that much time.

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Not much progress - I made a base which I am going to cast in resin in several copies for other minis, too. This is what i came up with:



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I agree with the thematic experiment. It can be interesting to see non-festering Death Guard for once (not to say that you acolytes of Nurgle don't make fantastic looking festering Death Guard).

The base looks great, but don't you think it would get a little repetitive?

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I agree with the thematic experiment. It can be interesting to see non-festering Death Guard for once (not to say that you acolytes of Nurgle don't make fantastic looking festering Death Guard).

Thanks! My only concern is that they may look a little bit too generic. I'm sticking to the skull-like helmets, bone/ceramic armor and rotten bases to keep up with Nurgle themes, but it may be not enough. But I guess I'm OK with that. Well, If I feel there is not enough Nurgle in Nurgle, I can always add traditional Plague Marines to the mix and make those guys regular CSMs.


The base looks great, but don't you think it would get a little repetitive?

You are correct :pirate: That's why I'm making more of those - I want to end up with at least 5 or 6 different bases to cast for my army :)

Edited by Finn
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I like the theme of death over disease, I am trying to do this as well. I am trying to show the fall of a once loyal chapter, so there armor will be growing spikes and warping due to their experimenting with viruses on each other, but a clean look works as well.
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Hi All,


I've been working on the scythe design. This is what I came up, but i think I'll add some green stuff to blend the parts.




I'm making my own, because I'll need LOTS of these. Casting is cheaper than buying bits :)

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