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Chaos Marines professionalism


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Thats because polite sociopaths are not usually noticed for what they truely are.


And a True sociopath is rare- most are psychopaths instead.



^^^^ This ^^^^


It is estimated that 1/3 people have some level of social disorder relating to sociopathic behaviors.


About 1/20 are actually a full blown sociopath that is not really a violent disorder. However because of the various attempts at treatment and the sociopath absorbing more violent behaviors from those around them it manifests in a violent nature IE your chaos space marine. I believe that CSM and renegades do not all fit that criteria.


I finally get to use my degree for something!!! whoot.


At any rate back to the topic..


i suppose there could be a level of brotherhood within CSM but it would be RARE.


Also, holy cow greymage you are still around! Hope life is good. Bout 4-5 years back I used to bounce ideas off you for Space Wolf armies.

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Part of me thinks that a sense of brotherhood with traitors isn't that hard to believe. For the original legions, they see themselves as betrayed by the emperor and the hate that comes from that is enough to form a bond with others who were there. I remember a shirt story about a black legion squad who had fought together since the start. There seemed to be something between them.
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