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Knights of Decay

Gubnutz Da Grim

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I have completed around 2500 for my mono Nurgle daemons and so the time has to come to supplement the force with a PA faction. To that end I have started working on the Knights of Decay. A band of Deathguard marines. Will concentrate pretty heavily on Terminators and Dreads as I love them and have gotten several of them through trades and what not.


Anyway pics of what I have completed so far. The DP has since been sealed and static grass added. I also just assembled the first 7 Terminators last night and so pics of them will follow shortly I hope.














The Marines have also been sealed and given a proper basing. I will get some completed group shots next time I take some shots. Up next are the Terminators then the first of possibly 3 Dreads. Effective in game, not really. Awesome to look at, you betcha.



Edited by Gubnutz Da Grim
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I am a full supporter of multiple insane 15 ton monsters on a single battlefield. Got four myself, and they're always a laugh during Apoc games. Great paint scheme, very classic looking. Can't wait to see your dreads, keep it up.
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Thanks to all. I actually got some more PMs assembled and primed and am currently working on the first of the 3 dreads. Not sure how I want to equip them. I am not going to go safe and do dual CCW and have the following arms available, Plasma, Multimelta, Heavy Bolter, Twin las. Suggestions welcome and again thanks for the comments.



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For my dreads, I went nuts and added a different weapon to them all. The best so far has been the plasma cannon. I just keep my land raider between the dread and everybody else, just in case. Watching my foes go from smirking (as I place that dread on the table) to open mouthed shock (as every plas shot hits dead on, then the monster going blood crazy and slamming into his squad) is sooooo worth it. Second best was the AC, third the Hvy bolters. Multi-melta and TW las are 4th and 5th, as they have literally crippled my army in the past. The only reason I'm not placing the MM in last is because potentially in Apoc games, and providing a dreadclaw, that load out could cripple a few super-heavy targets before it's death, plus the MM is short ranged (AKA, can't kill your Typhus model instantly,lol).
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I know you mentioned just a few weapons you have available, but don't forget to consider the missile launcher. It's cheap, versatile, and fragging your Plague Marines doesn't tend to kill any.


One can easily convert a Havoc Launcher for this purpose if you don't want to shell out for the actual bit, too. That's what I did on mine.

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