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Night Lords Helmets?

Brother Kirus

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I am trying to plan my NL army and I am interested in you opinion on using new raven guard helmets from FW.


We all know that Night Lords decorate their armor with death totems and they often have painted/sculpted skull on the front of their helmet. I always associated this legion with raptors, such as falcons, eagles and in fact the last NL novel by A D-B reinforce this believe (the name of the main character), so I was wondering if it would make sense for some of NL marines to have helmet fashioned after a bird skull.


Thank you.

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I want to be constructive, but i'm having a hard time choosing a point at which to start...


if you want to run with the bird of prey theme/skulls the new helmets might be cool. I would be prepared to explain your thought process to some because it might not be immediately recognizable as a Night Lord trait.


....uh? :(

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Thank you! That is exactly what I am concern with… I am actually planning to sculpt my sculls on the helmets, but I was trying to consider some alternative options… it just seems fitting. I guess I will try to paint one and see how it looks…


Ok, here is another question… I love the “established” color scheme but it always seemed odd that “sneaky” legion would use gold/bronze to trim their armor. What is you opinion on changing “official” gold/bronze to dark steel…


Thank you.


P.S. Dan the Deamon, I like what you did with your NL army. Good job!

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Ok, here is another question… I love the “established” color scheme but it always seemed odd that “sneaky” legion would use gold/bronze to trim their armor. What is you opinion on changing “official” gold/bronze to dark steel…
Those guys are called Alpha Legion. ;)
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Besides, everyone knows Alpha Legion are the really sneaky ones anyway


“Sneaky” was a bad choice of word on my part. I was referring to their reputation as infiltrators.


Those guys are called Alpha Legion


Funny (-: As you know, NL are also known as infiltrators (to be completely honest I feel that entire idea of infiltrating dude AL/NL/RG that has a power plant on his back and is about 9” tall is a bit ridicules). Do not take me wrong, I do like the official color scheme, I ma just trying to consider all options.


So, what is your opinion on RG helmets… I was thinking, may be I should use them for my count as “raptors” unit….

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I always associated this legion with raptors, such as falcons, eagles and in fact the last NL novel by A D-B reinforce this believe (the name of the main character).


You associate my legion with little birdies and your reasoning is that a single character is named like a bird foot... What?.....

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Hey brother, infiltration still might be too strong a word. Fear and terror, shock and awe, this is the NL ethos. That could mean striking from the shadows, or just as easily a sudden air assault, or rapid and unexpected ground blitzkrieg. The NL's are all about making the foe :cuss down their own legs, bawling for mercy with tears in their eyes and snot-rockets hanging from their nose. Keep the bronze. As for the helmets...eh, your choice, bro. I personally paint mine with skulls on their faceplates, the winged helms make my eye twitch involuntarily. The RG helm idea just may work though, try it out.
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You associate my legion with little birdies and your reasoning is that a single character is named like a bird foot... What?.....


Any constructive criticism?


Do not take things personally but I used to collect this legion as well. It is my second go and I am trying to brainstorm different ideas…

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Hey brother, infiltration still might be too strong a word. Fear and terror, shock and awe, this is the NL ethos. That could mean striking from the shadows, or just as easily a sudden air assault, or rapid and unexpected ground blitzkrieg. The NL's are all about making the foe down their own legs, bawling for mercy with tears in their eyes and snot-rockets hanging from their nose. Keep the bronze. As for the helmets...eh, your choice, bro. I personally paint mine with skulls on their faceplates, the winged helms make my eye twitch involuntarily. The RG helm idea just may work though, try it out.


Thank you. I think I would stick to gold/bronze and will try a “bird” helmet on a raptor or champion… I will post a picture when I am done.

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Im not actually taking this personally infact i like the 'birds of prey idea' should you use it sparingly. My only issue was that you used a charcter's name as your reasoning which i thought was just a tad bit silly.


As for the actual idea, yeah go for it. A squad of raptors themed in such a way would actually look pretty damn cool. Just dont make the entire army like it as it would look like a raven guard army gone chaos.


As for helmets, yeah try the fw raven guard or the legion of the damned mk 6 helmets as those look like actual skull.

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Im not actually taking this personally infact i like the 'birds of prey idea' should you use it sparingly. My only issue was that you used a charcter's name as your reasoning which i thought was just a tad bit silly.


Understood. Well, I always thought about NL as “raptors” (in predatory sense) – fast, lethal and attacking weaker prey. The name of the character just helped the image (-:


My plan is actually to sculpt skulls on different tips of helmets Mark III, V,VI… and I was also trying to consider other options. The more I think about it the more I am inclined to use RG helmet for a unit of raptors…


Thank you for your opinion. I am glad you like the idea.

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Just a small point, his name is Talos, not Talon. I doubt it alludes to a raptor's claw.


Talos, in Greek myth, was an animate bronze construct of a man that protected the island of Crete. The name also appears in the Forgotten Realms RPG setting as an evil storm god.


More on topic, I could see using a few scattered in your army as AspChamp helmets. If nothing else, Soul Hunter also shows that Chaos Marines are not above scavenging armor and I could see Night Lord squad commanders picking them up cause they are, admittedly, pretty awesome looking.

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Actually I assume AD-B retracted the name Talos from the latin route word Talus, meaning to retaliate. To strike back in return.


M'shen struck at the primarch of the Night Lords legion, and Talos in return strikes back at the wretched bitch.


The whole idea of talos is that he was the one. The Soul Hunter. The only Night Lord who struck back in the name of vengence itself.

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...Just a small point, his name is Talos, not Talon. I doubt it alludes to a raptor's claw...


Actually you are right. I made a mistake by referring to Talos (the main character in the book “Soul Hunter”) … What I meant is the other character from the story "The Core" – Lucoryphus. A D-B explains the meaning of his name in the topic about Soul Hunter (I think it is page six.)


Sorry that I confused those two. In any case I think these helmets might work for the unit of raptors….

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hehe. I always love it when this particular discussion comes up. The Night Lords are experts at stealth and concealment, but they're not 'infiltrators' as the game uses the term. Infiltration from the games stand point refers to units working a head of the front lines and working undetected to gain an advantageous placement. Perched on top of a building to cover the major road for instance.

The Night Lords don't work work like that. They hide in the middle of a fight so that they can launch an ambush.


Allow me to illustrate the difference a bit more vividly:


Infiltration: Commander Jaghati advanced forward down the road intent on cutting off a major path of advancement to his enemy, when suddenly a sniper road passes through his skull and paints the wall with his brain contents.


Night Lords sneaking: The Armies have already joined combat and are hip deep in each others blood. A unit of Gaurdsmen attempt to move through a ruined building. It's dark and there is little light. Just as the last guardsman crosses the door way, the door way is blocked off their path of retreat gone. Suddenly a massive form lunged down and cut the lead guardsman to shreads. The next Guardsman is so terrified he doesn't even contemplate the las rifle he's holding. He barely has the moment to stutter out "Where the frack..." before he too is gutted like a fish and his entrails thrown on his squad mates as more forms appear from the shadows.

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Night Lords sneaking: The Armies have already joined combat and are hip deep in each others blood. A unit of Gaurdsmen attempt to move through a ruined building. It's dark and there is little light. Just as the last guardsman crosses the door way, the door way is blocked off their path of retreat gone. Suddenly a massive form lunged down and cut the lead guardsman to shreads. The next Guardsman is so terrified he doesn't even contemplate the las rifle he's holding. He barely has the moment to stutter out "Where the frack..." before he too is gutted like a fish and his entrails thrown on his squad mates as more forms appear from the shadows.



Oh so true :)

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You know, I don't see giant bat wings on top of helmet to be very stealthy. :)


See that's what always bugged me about the Night Lord models. They always brought up this image of a marine with this giant wanna-be Micky mouse demon wings on his helmet screaming at his enemy saying "I have bat wings on my helmet, FEAR ME!"

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